Republican Congressmen John Culberson and Kevin Brady are among 106 Republicans who voted YEA on an Energy-Water Appropriations bill that contained an amendment that would codify Obama’s executive order 13672 making transgenderism the law of the land and a local Harris-Montgomery County area TEA Party “recommended” Republican primary voters cast their ballot for these two Congressmen in the recent March 2016 primary.
Conservative Review has the story:
Last night, I reported on how House leaders allowed democrats to insert a provision to the Energy-Water Appropriations bill allowing bureaucrats to discriminate against businesses that don’t adhere to the newly-minted national religion of transgenderism. The amendment, from Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY), would codify Obama’s executive order 13672 making transgenderism the law of the land. Pasted below this article re the names of the 43 Republicans who voted for this amendment, which would have codified language from Obama’s sexual identity executive order into law*
Congressmen Culberson and Brady voted NAY on Rep. Maloney’s amendment however when the final bill came up for a vote, Culberson and Brady were among 106 Republicans who voted for the final bill.
Thankfully, the bill did not pass—-Republican Congressmen Pete Olson, Ted Poe, Randy Weber and Brian Babin joined with Democrat Congressmen Al Greene and Sheila Jackson-Lee and other colleagues to vote NAY on the final bill.
BTW, which TEA Party published a March 2016 voter guide “recommending” Republican primary voters cast their ballot for Congressman John Culberson and Kevin Brady?