In October 2011 I found the TexasTrashTalk blog. The Houston Chronicle had published this story, highlighting a 4-3 vote by the Harris County Department of Education to maintain the current tax rate. The commentary over at blogHouston drew attention to a citizen-led effort to expose the operations of the HCDE, shine a light on a “sneaka tax” attempt, and argue a case for shutting down this taxing body.
As Dave reported earlier today, we may disagree as to whether the department should transfer or consolidate beneficial programs to other entities or if the department should be totally abolished, but you can read a summary of the research Colleen has performed below. (click here if your browser is incompatible with Google viewer – you seriously need to print this out and read it, then share it with your friends):
Should HCDE risk taxpayer funds as venture capital? True venture capital is the harvest of personal achievement & labor voluntarily used to create goods and services that people want to buy. Does the HCDE teach any children? Why do only two county departments of education remain in the State of Texas? Is Texas State law really being violated by the Harris County Department of Education?
What great questions to ask the Board Trustees, or someone running for a seat on the Board… next time you see them.