In October 2011 I found the TexasTrashTalk blog. The Houston Chronicle had published this story, highlighting a 4-3 vote by the Harris County Department of Education to maintain the current tax rate. The commentary over at blogHouston drew attention to a citizen-led effort to expose the operations of the HCDE, shine a light on a “sneaka tax” attempt, and argue a case for shutting down this taxing body.
As Dave reported earlier today, we may disagree as to whether the department should transfer or consolidate beneficial programs to other entities or if the department should be totally abolished, but you can read a summary of the research Colleen has performed below. (click here if your browser is incompatible with Google viewer – you seriously need to print this out and read it, then share it with your friends):
Should HCDE risk taxpayer funds as venture capital? True venture capital is the harvest of personal achievement & labor voluntarily used to create goods and services that people want to buy. Does the HCDE teach any children? Why do only two county departments of education remain in the State of Texas? Is Texas State law really being violated by the Harris County Department of Education?
What great questions to ask the Board Trustees, or someone running for a seat on the Board… next time you see them.
Tom Zakes says
HCDE does teach kids. They have alternative schools for kids who have been removed from other districts (either for discipline problems on campus or because they have a pending court case that requires their removal). They teach special ed students in small classroom settings. They provide Head Start for pre-schoolers. I’m sure there is stuff they could do more efficiently, but some of the programs they provide are mandated by federal or state law, and would have to be transferred to another entity if they were shut down. Why would we want to take control out of the hands of an elected, local body to give it to an unelected body operated by bureaucrats?
Yvonne Larsen says
Just as GM is no longer a manufacturer of automobiles (they’re a provider of pension-plan & medical benefits)..just as Houston METRO also serves as a provider of pension plan & medical benefits and (take a look at their on line check register) a mechanism to reward favored campaign contributors the beef I have is directly related to Mr. Morales statement of running HCDE as a business. He didn’t stand up and claim HCDE’s purpose is the education of children. He interrupted Colleen to assert HCDE’s purpose is to run the entity as a business.
True venture capitalism starts with the belief in individualism and private property rights; the harvest of my personal sweat & labor. I then voluntarily, not under the force of government rule, risk my harvest (my private capital) to provide good or services that people actually want to buy. That is not the principle being applied. HCDE’s services could be provided by private citizens who voluntarily wish to contribute THEIR harvest (not forcibly make me contribute mine), expand competition & create student choice and then let the free-market oversight by parents and family members create the ‘control”.
David Jennings says
I need to put a “Like” button on comments. Great points Yvonne!