For those of you insisting that there is no media bias, I present example number 3,482,567,004,233,765.
Now, that would seem to be an important news event, right? I mean, in these times of politically correct speech, surely the media would take note of this and at least report it, right? Or write a scathing editorial? Uh, no. Don’t believe me? Click the Google search links below to see how this was reported.
One of those is not like the others. Guess which one?
That’s right, Fox News is the only major media outlet on that list to mention Hillary’s racist comment. To be fair, the Houston Chronicle’s free site,, did have a story on it due to an auto feed from Business Insider buried in the Technology section, apparently because the remark was made during an interview with a Recode executive. No way you would have found it without using a site search.
The next time someone insists to you that the media is not biased, just laugh and walk away. Arguing with them is pointless.