For those of you insisting that there is no media bias, I present example number 3,482,567,004,233,765.
Now, that would seem to be an important news event, right? I mean, in these times of politically correct speech, surely the media would take note of this and at least report it, right? Or write a scathing editorial? Uh, no. Don’t believe me? Click the Google search links below to see how this was reported.
One of those is not like the others. Guess which one?
That’s right, Fox News is the only major media outlet on that list to mention Hillary’s racist comment. To be fair, the Houston Chronicle’s free site,, did have a story on it due to an auto feed from Business Insider buried in the Technology section, apparently because the remark was made during an interview with a Recode executive. No way you would have found it without using a site search.
The next time someone insists to you that the media is not biased, just laugh and walk away. Arguing with them is pointless.
Danman says
This goes back about 10 years but I had a buddy that ridiculed me for disparaging the NYT, WaPo, PBS, Houston Comical, etc. as news sources. Like Sarah Palin getting cornered about what she read. But I had already been schooled about how to read mainstream media and tried to explain it to him.
If you want the truth about current events you do have go looking for it.
btw, anybody know what kind of body cast Hillary is wearing under those barrel shaped outfits she goes out in?
Mark Armstrong says
Regarding the “body cast,” it is probably the consolation Ben and Jerry’s. I understand that there is a new flavor that will probably be popular with Hillary and her support: PeCan Resist.
Jeanean Slamen says
Really? If you take the premise of this article seriously, it goes to show that years of marinating in Fox News and the right wing blogosphere have dulled your intellect and primed your Hillary Hatred to the point you don’t even get the context for Clinton’s jab… She was jabbing the interviewer for attributing Eric Holder’s comment to Cory Booker, thereby by implying her mistake was because _the interviewer_ couldn’t tell two black men apart because “they all look alike”— a well known racist trope.
Of course no reputable media mentioned it… it was a joke, recognized by the open-minded, non-crazed segment of society.
Kevin Fulton says
Regurgitating a racist stereotype by a woman with a history of questionable comments about black men is not funny to me. Maybe too much of my intellect has being dulled as it marinated in actual discrimination based on “all of us looking alike”. Anyway glad it brought you laughs, but nothing she does is funny to me.
I wish to remain anonymous says
Joke or not a republican would have been lambasted for such a comment and it would have been the subject on the MSM for weeks.
Mark Armstrong says
I have heard the excuse that this was just a joke. As proof that it was not offensive, the young progressive who claimed it to be a joie pointed out the laughter that spontaneously followed from the audience of women. Additionally, as David pointed out, she (the progressive) pointed out that no media followed the issue.
In contrast, a number of Trump jokes have resulted in hyperventilation by the Democrats and over-commentary by the Democrat communications department (aka, the media). One good example would be the joke Trump tweeted in December 2017 “In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming.” The DMN, NYT, and other liberal rags wailed that Trump wasn’t treating the subject with proper, scientific respect.
Then again, what should we expect when Kavanaugh gets full media coverage (although no accusers can get corroborating witnesses) and Ellison gets practically no media coverage (although his two accusers have photos, police reports, and more).