On November 12th, 2012 the FBISD Board approved a competitive sealed proposal (CSP) for the building of Elementary School # 46. The June 10th, 2013 FBISD Board meeting agenda contains agenda item 10 D, for considering and approving a $15.3 million contract to Pepper-Lawson, Construction L.P. for construction of Elementary School # 46. Part of the 2007 bond program, plans for the 99,471 square foot, two story facility have been on hold for three years.
So where in Fort Bend ISD will Elementary School #46 be built?
Not so fast.
Agenda item 10 C seeks to consider postponing the approval to build Elementary School #46 pending an outcome of a comprehensive study of all the FBISD elementary school boundaries.
To build or not to build?
Nancy Dunham says
It my opinion that there should be NO new building until a comprehensive rezoning occurs. Even if they build #46 in Aliana, it will not do what it is supposed to do and that is to take some of the load off of Oakland Elementary. So we will once again spend $15+ million to build a half-empty school and the overflowing schools will continue to overflow.
Oakland parent says
The school district had up on their website since last year, and had installed a sign on the school land in Aliana, that the school would be built in Aliana in 2014. We have photos documenting this. This is very deceptive and misleading of FBISD to backtrack on something this big. A comprehensive rezoning study can be done at the same time the school is being constructed. You may wonder, why only rezoning for the elementary school level, and not the middle and high school level? Could it be because several of the board members live in/near Riverstone, which is a competing development? Two of them have been against this school in Aliana for years now. They want #46 to go to Riverstone, their area, instead; that is what we think this is really all about, and we have actually been looking at collecting evidence of this for many months now.
gtotracker says
Saw you at the redistricting hearing at U of H the other day. Easy to see why nothing gets done. Thought you spoke well fwiw.
DOsb says
This whole thing is very deceptive if you ask me and speaks volumes about the inability of the district to conduct effective long term planning. Decisions such as this impact lives and it is unreasonable and unfair for the board to backtrack on decisions so casually and so abruptly. Not happy at all!
Oakland parent says
Nancy Dunham says: “Even if they build #46 in Aliana, it will not do what it is supposed to do and that is to take some of the load off of Oakland Elementary.”
This is not true. It will obviously take some of the load off of Oakland when Aliana, Old Orchard and others are rezoned out of Oakland into the new school. We know you don’t want this school, never have, and went so far as to press a lawsuit against the district for it, which wastes more taxpayer money. Now the district is going to hire another demographer and do more demographic studies even though we’ve already paid for all of this once. Will you just keep hiring a new demographer and doing more studies until the results go your way? You and some others have an agenda, which doesn’t seem to include what’s best for our youngest children. It is okay with you and others for the school district to pull a bait-and-switch like this so that you can have what you want.