Following the recent Houston Chronicle endorsement in the Texas District 27 race of one of Texas Monthly’s worst legislators of 2013, a source with intimate knowledge of the joint David Hamilton – Ron Reynolds appearance before the Chronicle Editorial Board gives us a glimpse inside the “side-by-side” style debate.
Incumbent Reynolds and challenger Hamilton were each afforded the opportunity to make an opening statement, were asked questions by the Editorial Board and provided a chance to pose questions to & respond to the other.
Here’s the Houston Chronicle recommendation:
District 27: Ron Reynolds
Incumbent Ron Reynolds is awaiting trial for barratry while Republican challenger and anti-abortion activist David Hamilton was arrested in 2010 for disorderly conduct at a Kentucky abortion clinic. Hamilton was also later charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. Both blame their legal problems on politics, which may be true, but it makes for an odd race. With reservations, we endorse the Democrat Reynolds, 41, because he strongly supports public education. Hamilton points out the underperforming schools in the district, but offers little in the way of solutions beyond his advocacy of home schooling. Reynolds, whose southwest district includes Stafford and Missouri City, also consistently votes for the environment and gay rights.
My source divulged that Reynolds informed the Chron Board his number 1 priority in the next session is local control of education—specifically passage of a single-member district “sneak-a-bill” that applies only to Fort Bend Independent School District.
Haha—-News flash, Ron.
Local control of education through passage of a State law isn’t local control.
Especially when the State law ORDERS trustees of the district be elected from single-member trustee districts, in part to avenge your wife’s LOSS in the May 2011 Fort Bend ISD Trustee race.
And in the ultimate of all ironies—my dearest Ron—did you forget you voted YES for the very law you now find yourself under indictment for breaking?
Here you have it, folks—a look inside the Chronicle’s endorsement of a 2013 worst legislator—who won’t even advertise his Democrat party affiliation on his campaign signs.
*This author happily donated to the David Hamilton campaign.
All representation should be by single member districts, or a mixture of single member and at large. An all at large format is prima facie discriminatory. This race looks like one where “none of the above” should win.
Didn’t Texas Monthly also rate Dan Patrick as the “Worst State Senator”?
Simple—yes they did.
In Ron’s defense, he is presumed innocent till proven guilty. But I anticipate that if he is re-elected, there will be a special election after a Montgomery County jury has their way with him.
I’m Tom Zakes and I approve this message
The Chronicle,a Hearst paper like the San Francisco Examiner, to a reporter is a total media shill for Planned Parenthood. Population control is the Chronicle’s only mission, only value. The worst possible thing you could be in anyway is “pro-life” period, You could be Barak Obama in all ways, but as long as Barak Obama as President is aborter and chief of black children first and foremost, the Chronicle editorial staff supports him blindly in all else, including Ebola in Texas. Not so Dan Patrick or David Hamilton. And yes I know the Chronicle supported Mitt over Barak for President. Barak is a black GW (The Bush/Walker families were fanatical eugenicist financial supporters of Planned Parenthood from the beginning). Mitt was the Dick Cheney/Bush nominee for president. The difference between all of them is only skin deep. Dick Cheney is after all Barak’s cousin. Mitt Romney is the father of Obamacare (actually Hitler’s T4/Nixon/Heritage Foundation care) and Marriage Equality, along with Carl Rove’s ludicrous non-biblical, anti-natural law definition of marriage as between two persons Rove used to dupe Evangelicals to get out the vote for GW in 2004. Mitt was/is a fanatical supporter like Barak of abortion and gala contributor to Planned Parenthood in his run for Governor of Massachusetts, and during his own mother’s run as “pro-choice” for a MASS. senate seat. Like Devon Anderson those Republican Romneys will say and do anything at anytime to anyone to get elected, especially the unborn or Christopher Stevens. Where would Barak and Rove be in 2012 if Mitt’s Mom terminated him! Or Barak’s mother terminated him. Mitt Romney is a Mormon Barak Obama. The only difference is Mitt would have attacked Iran his first day as President for his close friend “Bebe”. Barak didn’t do this because his political surrogate mother, Valorie Jarrett is Iranian, and his cousin Dick Cheney’s Haliburton have their largest office in Tehran and dominate Iranian oil sales now through Russia (Exxon) to China.
Actually, it’s even worse than you thought. Barack Obama, the Bushes, and Mitt Romney are all three just pawns for the Bilderburgs/CFR/Trilateralists. Those are the same guys who are responsible for bankrolling Hitler with his eugenics movement and Lenin who was responsible for Lysenko All of them are working for a secret group of Alien reptiles who occupy a secret island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle (which used to be know as Atlantis until they convinced the world that it was a myth).
Their goal is to secretly re-engineer the human race to become docile slaves by selective breeding, aborting unwanted strains and genetic manipulation. They have a main base on the moon which they couldn’t afford to let us discover, so they faked the moon landings. They also forced George Bush and Dick Cheney to blow up the World Trade Center to destroy two different organizations headquartered there which had proof of the world wide conspiracy. The media (which they also control) helped to cover up the inconvenient facts – such as the fact that steel doesn’t burn.
Barack Obama is the culmination of their efforts, since he is actually an alien reptile himself (look carefully at his eyes – you’ll see). He’s responsible for putting the final steps in their program into place.
Sometime in the next two years he will:
a: Declare himself to be emperor of the United States (or possible Czar of Czars) for life
b: Declare abortion and infant euthanasia to be both legal and desirable
c: Arrange to have Islam declared the official religion of the United States
d: Issue a proclamation declaring Christianity to be a crime
e: Establish a domestic security force which (among other things) will utilize a fleet of black stealth helicopters which he has secretly been collecting in Mexico with the help of the drug cartels and the Queen of England.
It’s probably too late for us to do anything about it.
Oh, I almost forgot, it’s the alien reptiles who are responsible for global warming, they like their worlds hot and damp. But, they also like a really clean environment – which is why they are using Al Gore to push the whole anti-technology thing.
The increase of homosexuality is part of the plan for birth control, they have managed to manipulate the body where there is now an increase in the number of persons who are born confused as to their sexuality.
It is no coincidence that homosexuals promote abortion as well. Why would someone that is unable to procreate even care about abortions?
My two cents on the topic that has evolved from the original article.