Thanks to our dedicated supporters, we have successfully
filed our final brief with the Third Court of Appeals
Computerized voting machines have been operating for over a decade and Texans don’t trust them–and now we know why. Dr. Laura Pressley’s historic election contest has uncovered electronic voting machine corruption errors, security breaches, missing back up tapes and no ballot images exist for a legal recount.
Candidates all over Texas have known about these illegalities for over a decade and Pressley is the first to take the responsibility to address them in the Texas courts.
Pressley’s critical appeal and final legal brief was recently filed with the Third Court of Appeals in Travis County. Completion of Pressley’s brief is a result of the support of so many that have spread the word, have contributed and enabled this case to move forward. Thank you to everyone!
Breaking News for 2016 Primaries: Similar Illegalities and serious election irregularities, that occurred in Pressley’s election, recently recurred in Texas counties during the 2016 Primaries.
- Hart InterCivic electronic voting machines, used in over 100 counties in Texas, do not store ballot images as required by law for recounts,
- Poll Watchers witnessed more corruption errors on main tabulation computers on election night,
- Texas Secretary of State’s Election Division issued waivers for counties to not print backup/results tapes for Early Voting and Election Day before equipment left the polling places,
- Secretary of State’s Election Division issued waivers to all 254 Texas counties to not audit paper ballot results,
- Poll watchers were obstructed from monitoring main tabulation computers on Election Day,
- A county refused to post precinct results and attempted to charge a fee for official precinct level Early and Election Day voting results as required by law, and
- Votes were flipped on computer screens
State Senator Questions Election Integrity
Austin Press Release–“Texas election laws are not being followed in many counties. Without this consistency, and with the ‘it’s the way we do it’ attitude, this has greatly opened the door to fraud.”
“Because current Texas election practices and procedures are inconsistent, it is not possible to truthfully validate any election result or conduct a legally sufficient ballot recount in the Texas counties where ‘electronic’ voting, without a paper trail, is being allowed.”
“…Secretary of State’s office should cease issuing waivers that instruct county election officials to operate elections unlawfully and in an inconsistent manner across the state.”
Copyright © 2016, Laura Pressley Election Legal Fund All Rights Reserved.
Political advertisement paid for by Laura Pressley Election Legal Fund, 10203 Woodglen Cove, Austin, Texas, 78753, Fidel Acevedo, Treasurer.
This campaign has not agreed to comply with the contribution and expenditure limits of the Austin Fair Campaign Chapter.
* Reprinted with the permission of Dr. Laura Pressley.
All Texans owe a huge debt of gratitude to Yvonne for her courage and tenacity in exposing political corruption and fraud., especially voter fraud-a fatal poison for a democratic republic in murdering the Bill of Rights and government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is only because of true patriots and honest moral American citizens exemplified to the highest degree by Yvonne’s integrity in telling the Truth that Americans are still hanging onto their freedom by a thread in Barak Obama’s and Mitt Romney’s Amexica. Yvonne is that thread. Romney owns the 19th century ballot company in Austin which today in partnership with CIA/PLanned Parenthood Bill Gate’s Micro Soft has become high technocratic election fraud throwing elections by chad in Florida (yes Romney’s company provided those ballots) and turning Trump computerized ballot votes in Texas into Rubio votes right before voter’s eyes for CIA/Carl Rove Bush “Tea Party” Trojan Horse Lying Ted Cruz-silence twice from Mr. Christian Neo Con Zionist “Have you always been faithful to your wife? publicly after fellow CIA candidate for president Carly stonned Trump publicly for being caught “serially” in adultry- which Trump-who does not lie unlike lying CanadienTed who never tells the truth-publicly admits with shame. Better a public sinner asking for God’s mercy than a Pharisee thinking themselves justified before God while holding public sinners in contempt in their hearts. Jesus said that first, not me. And no I am not supporting Trump for President, but I do appreciate that trump tells the truth as best he understands it about Lyin Ted, Lyin Barak, Lyin Jeb, and especially Lyin Hitlery. I digress. I want to thank Yvonne as a Texan and American Patriot for standing with, for, and by the Truth. All Texans regradless of who they support politically owe Yvonne and all true patriots and true republicans of her ilk their continuing freedom.
Deus Providebit!
I would support Yvonne for President!
I have to say Fr. Terry that I’m quite surprised. Having read endless volumes that you’ve written about the evils of abortion and Planned Parenthood, I never thought I’d see you endorse someone who thinks Planned Parenthood is a good thing and needs continued government funding.
I’m also surprised that a conservative Christian such as yourself would speak ill of someone who supports the nation of Israel. But then I suppose anti-semitism can grow anywhere.
As for Mr. Trump – given that he’s on his 4th trophy wife, and routinely treats most females like pieces of meat hanging in a butcher shop, he would be ill advised to comment on other peoples morality. If you’re a Trump supporter, I’d advise you to likewise refrain.