Looking for a hotel room in Downtown Houston? I was. My choices were narrowed down to three and after reading the firearms policy of the Hyatt Regency Houston I’ve made my decision. If you are a law-abiding Texan holding a concealed handgun license, the firearms policy of the Hyatt Regency in Houston states guests or visitors of this Hyatt hotel are permitted to possess a firearm or bring it on the property for storage purposes only.
Hotel premises are private property. Guests or visitors of a Hyatt hotel who lawfully are permitted to possess a firearm, may bring such firearm onto hotel premises for storage purposes only
No exemption to this policy is allowed for private persons, even those licensed and permitted to carry a firearm, and/or where applicable, to conceal-carry a firearm.
The persons comprising the Hyatt Hotel Corporation are certainly within their right as private property owners to establish pet and firearms policies –just as law-abiding, conceal carry permit-holding persons are within their right to choose NOT to do business with Hyatt Hotel Corporation.
Do I care how long this policy has been in existence? Nah. But thanks Hyatt—another luxury property Downtown will get my business.
Has the Hyatt Regency Houston posted a 30.06 sign in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public?
UPDATE: 30.06 sign not required?
If they haven’t posted a 30.06 sign properly, you may freely carry concealed on the property until informed by a peace officer that a “no guns” policy is in effect…at which point you must either properly store the firearm, or leave the premises (failure to do either makes you guilty of criminal trespass, a misdemeanor).
Now, since accidentally “flashing” is about the only way this would ordinarily come to the attention of a peace officer…
But you are right, Yvonne. A boycott of the Hyatt is the proper response to the idiotic policy. Thanks for letting us know.
Notice does not have to come from a peace officer.
(b) For purposes of this section, a person receives notice if the owner of the property or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner provides notice to the person by oral or written communication
The Hilton Post Oak, which is regularly used by the Republican Party of Harris County for events, has 30.06 signs posted conspicuously at all entrances. I don’t know why we continue to provide patronage to businesses who abuse our right to self defense as law abiding citizens.
Well that will come to a HALT
Great point Bob. Let’s make it so.
Another unintended consequence of the irresponsible actions of Open Carry Texas? I suspect so.
Before we organize boycotts in response to infringements on our rights we should be certain our rights are being infringed. In the case of the Hyatt hotels I’m at a loss to see how this is so. Hyatt hotels are private property just like our homes and businesses. No one has a right to bring a firearm into my home or business nor your home or business without my/your permission.
If you object to the Hyatt policy it is your right to take your business elsewhere.
Did I use the word “boycott” in the post? Did I not write the following?
“The persons comprising the Hyatt Hotel Corporation are certainly within their right as private property owners to establish pet and firearms policies –just as law-abiding, conceal carry permit-holding persons are within their right to choose NOT to do business with Hyatt Hotel Corporation.”
I’m sorry if I wasn’t specific enough.
Jeff Larson said “But you are right, Yvonne. A boycott of the Hyatt is the proper response to the idiotic policy. Thanks for letting us know.”
Bob Price said ” I don’t know why we continue to provide patronage to businesses who abuse our right to self defense as law abiding citizens.”
I agree with Bob Price and Yvonne!
And this was a Hyatt……hummmmm
Recently stayed during a conference. The lobby is nicely laid out with a very open design. The staff was very helpful and responded to any request quickly. The 30 story hotel is connected via tunnels to a number of food courts and other buildings.