Stop reading right now if you have no interest in comparing the health care waiting times for Texas veterans versus the health care waiting times for refugees imported by the cheap-labor lobby, open borders crowd into Texas. What you’re about to read in the Texas 2016 state resettlement plan will hopefully prompt you to contact your Texas State Senator or State Representative and express your disgust on how we prioritize the health care of veterans.
Back in June 2016 Fox News reported on a Houston VA hospital found to have altered records to hide lengthy patient waiting lists—the result of a Veterans Administration Inspector General audit.
“A Houston VA hospital altered records to hide lengthy patient waiting lists even as a national scandal regarding treatment of veterans was unfolding, a federal watchdog charged in a scathing report released this week.
Officials at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston and its associated clinics altered records to make it appear that hundreds of appointments canceled by staff were really called off by patients, according to the VA’s Office of Inspector General. The federal audit determined the changes were made to hide unacceptable wait times as VA hospitals around the country were under fire for neglecting patients.”
“The greater problem is that our veterans, who have already borne the cost of war, are now required to bear the cost of not receiving the care they deserve,”
Those lengthy patient wait times for veterans uncovered by the IG report contrast sharply with the virtually no-wait-times experienced by the “refugees” imported into Texas by the “refugee resettlement racket” with your tax dollars.
The State of Texas 2016 State Plan for refugee resettlement reveals 100 {997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of refugees received a health care screening within 90 days of arrival or program eligibility according to documents released by the Texas Department of Health and Human Services. Refugee State Plan 2016 – FINAL.PDF.pdf
“Program eligible clients served by a refugee resettlement agency (VolAg) are referred to a RHP for a health assessment by their agency. Health assessments are performed within 90 days of arrival or eligibility date, with a goal of providing the health assessment within 30 days of arrival or eligibility date”
“Desk audits are performed on a tri-annual basis to ensure that LHD (local health department) refugee program clinics are not initiating care beyond the 90 day mark.
100{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of clients screened in the first tri-annual period of fiscal year 2015 were seen within 90 days.”
Read the full State Plan here. Refugee State Plan 2016 – FINAL.PDF
This revelation in the State of Texas –State Plan for the Refugee Program has new meaning this week following a story on ZeroHedge about a 74 year-old military veteran who committed suicide in the parking lot after being denied service at the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center on Long Island.
Exit question: after reading the 2016 State Plan for the Refugee Program what will you ask your State Senator or State Representative to do?
I read that story about the vet suicide it broke my heart…have not forgotten.
The situation at the VA is appalling, but I am confused as to how State Government can impact that. Shouldn’t our questions be directed towards our Congressmen and Senators?
The CONgress must fix or replace VA; we in TX damn well better demand a halt to unfettered migration and permanent settlement of bogus ‘refugees’ from half a world away. All mid east refugees must be held in nearby countries until they return to their countries of origin.
Of course our CONgress hasn’t the starch to fix either situation yet we shall return the same feckless and/or conniving cretins to office come November.
And that’s the view from my piece of paradise.