Two voters made a $134 million dollar decision in a recent Fort Bend County election and now an examination of state and county records provide a glimpse into how a municipal utility district was created through the use of a “temporary trailer” Rent-A-Voter service.
Records from the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation reflect Scott Drilling Services of Houston, Texas began the process to drill a water well( WellReport_401895) at 22302 Southwest Freeway, Richmond, Texas 77469 on August 6th, 2015. Three days prior to initiating the well drilling, Fort Bend County Engineering records indicate the “Rent A Voter” entity Stingray Services LLC paid $60 for a permit to place a “Temporary Trailer for Williams Ranch MUD 1” at the physical address of 22302 Southwest Freeway, Richmond, Texas 77469.
22302 Southwest Freeway, Richmond Texas 77469 corresponds to the residence address on the Voter Registration Application of the two voters who registered to vote in the MUD election. Williams Ranch MUD 1 voters
The mailing address listed in Fort Bend County permit records for the temporary trailer is 20615 Marilyn Lane, Spring Texas which also corresponds to the mailing address on the Voter Registration Application of the two voters who registered to vote in the MUD election.
20615 Marilyn Lane, Spring, Texas is listed in public records as the address of Stingray Services LLC —which BJP and the County Citizen blog earlier reported scrubbed their website of the names of developers & engineering firms they’ve performed “Rent-A-Voter” services for.
Poised to approve the creation of the MUD, the approval of four MUD directors, $134 million in bonds and the tax rate to be levied on future property owners in the district that’s exactly what these two voters did during the recent November elections.
That’s how the kielbasa is made dear readers—two people are selected to be “residents” of the district, a temporary trailer for the MUD is permitted, a water well is drilled, the voters use the temporary dwelling address as their residence address for voter registration purposes and subsequently vote to create the special district.
Exit question—-if the practice I’ve described lawfully allows two people who intend to vote in an election with the intent to levy taxes and bond indebtedness on future property owners in the district, why were two people in The Woodlands Road Utility District vigorously prosecuted by the Texas Attorney General’s office, convicted by a jury of their peers and sentenced to ten years in prison for voting in an election with the intention to DECREASE the taxes and retire the bond debt on existing property owners in a district?
Fr. Christopher Terry, O.P. says
Houston Press:
Then Attorney General Abbott, prosecuted seven Tea Party Patriots of the Woodlands for “voter fraud” seeking five to seven year sentences. Ironically, a voter fraud convicted felon forfeits the right to vote. More ironic still, indicted Tea Party Patriots said they would vote why they still could for AG Abbott for Governor than Wendy Davis! Davis accused AG Abbott of bias in enforcing Texas Voter ID law against primarily Hispanics! Even more ironic still, Davis’ charge set the stage for Abbott’s politically correct prosecution of the Woodland Tea Party Patriots.
The Tea Party “voter fraud” occurred in an attempt to stop Abbott and Perry’s Woodlands MUD mafia associates (campaign contributors) from perpetrating a 136 million dollar bond fraud of Woodland property tax payers. They established in accord with Texas law residency and elected themselves to the MUD board and than voted to dissolve the Woodlands Road Utility District. AG.Abbott running for Governor prosecuted them for “voter fraud” ostensibly to show that he was not biased and partisan as AG against poor Hispanics in enforcing Texas voter ID laws, which his Democrat opponent for Governor Wendy Davis’ claimed.
In actuality, Woodland campaign supporters corporate cronies orchestrating this MUD property tax bond fraud finding themselves out smarted by truly Patriotic Tea Party Republicans courageously acting in accord with Texas Law to stop corporate tax fraud in the Woodlands on a massive scale, called in their campaign markers from AG Abbott (An election is an advance sale of stolen goods) who perpetrated a Devon Anderson type betrayal of their office as prosecutors making sure the bad guys continue to win.
Than AG Abbott, having received Elizabeth Graham’s Texas Right to Life political endorsement for Governor as “Pro LIfe” orchestrated the December 12th 2013 exoneration of abortionist Dr. Douglas Karpen, Houston’s own Kermit Gossnel via Devon Anderson’s /Chip Davis Key Man Jury. AG Abbott exonerated Karpen to keep Gov. Perry’s criminal conflict of interest in signing the HB2 “outpatient” mandate into law from coming to light. He did this to keep Perry’s family’s partial ownership of Karpen’s Aaron late term ambulatory surgical outpatient abortion clinic via Perry’s family’s United Surgical Partners stock. which had a share in Karpen’s USP franchised Aaron Clinic. AG Abbott to the rescue again, this time of crony capitalist “Pro Life” Gov. Pony Boots. Do you see a pattern here?
The lawyers for Texas independent abortion clinics who will argue against HB2 before the Supreme Court are sure to point to Abbott’s exoneration of Dr. Douglas Karpen. By doing so, they can show that the “Out Patient” Hb2 mandate which sought to create a surgical abortion industry monopoly in Texas for United Surgical Partners franchisees like Karpen’s Aaron Clinic and Planned Parenthood I-45 Gulf Coast did not create a safer environment by virtue of the “outpatient mandate” preventing Texas women from being injured. (Not to mention Karpen’s victims. Karpen aborts five to nine month old babies alive and then rings their necks to sell the whole fresh non poisoned intact bodies for tens of thousands to Planned Parenthood I-45’s third floor “Life Donation Center.. Immediately after his exoneration Dr. Karpen, now sans Chip Davis as his defense lawyer, was sued civilly for brutally injuring a young women and then refusing to treat her, the case is pending.
Gov. Abbott has done nothing to close our open borders. He recently wrote a specious completely ineffectual letter to President Barack Obama that Texas will not accept “Syrian refugee’s”. Gov. Abbott, if he was the real deal, which he is not, needed to send that letter to Houston’s Cardinal Dinardo. Cardinal Dinardo has personally profitedas local bishop over fifty million dollars (tax payer Federal Reserve deficit notes) first through the GW 2008 “victims of child sex slaving” Wilberforce act trafficking Sinaloa Federation Cartel (as usual) affiliated victims of child sex slaves in co hoots with DHS,. Cardinal Dinardo as a ranking member of the Vatican Commission on the Rights of Migrants and Vice President of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops is now doubling down on his covert legal child sex slaving operation to traffic 200,000 thousand Jihadirefugees in the wake of Francis’ visit. The lucrative importation of 200,000 ISIS Refugees demanded as a moral imperative by the National Conference of Bishops just over a month ago, before Paris, will pay hundreds a millions. Select bishops together like Cardinal Dinardo already receive 80 million annually for their refugee trafficking-like through St. Michael’s Home. In 2012, Cardinal Dinardo CEO of Catholic Charities ordered Home staffers not to report to authorities the gang rape of an eight year old Central American refugee by other boys at the home, and not to give the child medical assistance.
Abbott and Cardinal Dinardo (and Jeb Bush) are members of Tilman Fertitta’s child sex slaving syndicate. Cardinal Dinardo has deep ties with Fr. Macial’s/Carlos Slim Helu’s SinaloaFederatiion Cartel for which hundreds of thousands of child sex slaves have been trafficked via The Arch Diocese of Galveston/Houston to cantinas everywhere. And now 2000,000 thousand ISISJihadi Refugees!
Abbott could, would raid a Mosque if covertly trafficking ISIS Jihadis across his open borders. At least he would say he would publicly. But it is not Mosques or hard working patriotic Muslims in Texas who are making millions bringing in 200,000 ISIS Jihadi Refugees covertly, but Cardinal Dinardo’s Catholic Charities and Catholic Relief Services in co hoots with DHS and Barack Obama. First it is child sex slaves from Central America, now it is ISIS Jihadi Refugee’s. Do you see a pattern here with Abbott.
I hear Libertarian pundits like Alex Jones constantly proclaim “Greg Abbott is the real deal”. Greg Abbott like Rick Perry, John Boehnner, Paul Ryan, and Cardinal Dinardo are Rinos who are actually working for Barak Obama in everything from the passage of Obamacare, to curtailing defunding of Planned Parenthood, to open borders, to trafficking child sex salves and now ISISJihadi’s. The day Gov. Abbott changes the name on that letter from Barack Obama in DC to Cardinal Dinardo in Houston will never happen. ISIS Jihadi Refugee attacks will (The UN backed Refugees are not Syrian Christian families or Shiite, but most 80{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} military age ISIS affiliated men). When that happens Abbott and Cardinal Dinardo will with Barack Obama have innocent blood as with Karpen’s victims own their hands.
Deus Providebit!.
Adrian Heath says
Greg Abbott is the REAL DEAl, if by that you mean a real crony or a real hypocrite. I want to point out that only one of my fellow RUD 7 offered to vote for Abbott. I would vote for Abbott, if it were a vote to have him removed. The man is a commandment breaker.
Fr. Christopher Terry, O.P. says
I profoundly apologize to Adrian Heath , and the RUD 7. The Houston Press article quotes a member of RUD 7 saying he was still going to vote for Abbott in spite of everything. The author was sarcastic about both Abbott and Tea Party Patriots and gave the impression that all the Tea Party Patriots would vote for Abbott in spite of everything over Wendy Davis. For the most part this was true! All the Tea Party Patriots, except for six members of the Rud 7, did vote for Abbott over Davis in spite of Abbott’s criminal fraudulent prosecution of the RUD 7. Voting for Abbott is the real voter fraud committed by all Tea Party Patriots that committed it almost unanimously.. I fell for the author’s anti Tea Party propaganda and made an assumption about how all the RUD 7 would vote. I am at fault and feel terrible for assuming all RUD 7 voted for Abbott. I cannot think in this instance of a more bitter salt I could have rubbed into the wounds of the RUD 7 than to say that they voted for Greg Abbott. I am thankful to be publicly corrected and at the same time have corrected the impression given by the Houston Press article by the truth.. I mistakenly connected the Tea Party Patriot in the Houston Press article voting for Abbott with the completely insane, the ends justify the means vote of another Tea Party Patriot from the Woodlands I know who recently voted for Bill KIng. Bill King is pro-abortion., pro Planned Parenthood 1-45, pro gay marriage, a tax dodge crook, a government contact leach “businessman” and Chronicle Editorial page schil, as well as a member of Tilman Fertitta’s GHPuppetship. He voted for Bill King (Greg Abbott) because he was a Republican and not a Liberal Democrat like Sylvester Turner (Wendy Davis), King would fix the potholes and make 3.5 billion in pension unfunded debt disappear whereas Sylvester would not do anything. I would never vote for either one. The kicker was Bill King is against the men dressed up as women bathroom rights ordinance. The point of comparing these two Tea Party Patriots’ votes being in both instances Tea Party Patriots casting unprincipled absurd (sinful) votes for two faced unscrupulous “Republicans” in Tilman Fertitta’s syndicate, Abbott and King.
Adrian Heath says
Father Terry, I wish that I could write as fluently as you. In any case. No harm done. I often rant and rail against the prevalent cronyism that transcends party politics. In fact the whole RUD case is based on exposing the worst kind of corporatism and cronyism which was turned against us by Greg Abbott himself. “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord”. Prov. 17:15 That’s Greg Abbott. However I do not pretend to think that the injustice in our case comes anywhere close to the greatest sin of this State, the murder of the the unborn.
Thank you for your work.
In Christ.
Kevin W. says
Under King, the unfunded pension debt would not disappear as he proposes to issue bonds to pay the debt over 30 years, tripling the cost.