Former Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner Sylvia Garcia and State Senator Mario Gallegos unveiled an alternative Harris County Commissioners Court map to a group of 50 East End community members that Garcia asserts will “eliminate the only effective Latino opportunity precinct (Precinct 2) on the Commissioners Court”.
Before some of you BJP readers erupt in anger like Mt Vesuvius or Krakatoa over my use of the word “asserts”, I am not a demographer nor would I ever claim to be one. I use the word “assert” because I don’t possess the expertise to analyze the intended election outcome of this alternative map; and also because those are Sylvia’s words and not mine.
Here’s a copy of the map that was distributed to the meeting attendees yesterday morning and the accompanying data.
Drawn in conjunction with Texas Democratic Party counsel Chad Dunn and political consultant Robert Jara, the alternative map presents a better opportunity for East End Latinos to elect a Commissioner of their choice, according to the distributed talking points:
Harris County Redist Talking Points
I’ll leave the analysis of & additional comments on the alternative map, which I have no doubt will be presented to the public during the Commissioners Court redistricting hearings starting tomorrow July 25th and ending Monday August 1, to my friend Greg Wythe over at his blog. The Commissioners Court public redistricting hearings schedule is posted here; hope to see you in attendance.