Marc Veasey’s attempts to play the race card might work with cowardly Texas politicians but it won’t work with yours truly. After reading Karen Townsend’s post in which Marc Veasey’s fund-raising email stated “I’m going to be real honest with you, the Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote…” it’s worth emphasizing that the turnout rate among blacks in the 2012 elections surpassed the white vote for the first time.
But don’t take my word for it; read the ProgressiveTPM!
WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s blacks voted at a higher rate than other minority groups in 2012 and by most measures surpassed the white turnout for the first time, reflecting a deeply polarized presidential election in which blacks strongly supported Barack Obama while many whites stayed home.
The hardly TEA Party supporting Huffington Post expressed a similar sentiment here.
But let’s look at the rest of Marc’s fund-raising email, shall we?
The fund-raising email goes on to hilariously state “the Republican Party discounts communities of color at their own peril “…which is quite striking because as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, surely Congressman Veasey knows how Houston-area politicians have discounted the residents of Houston’s Third Ward, content to see the rich history of the neighborhood wiped off the face of the city.
And why was Marc Veasey exploiting “communities of color” to fund raise? With $21,000 cash-on-hand, maybe he’s a little low on campaign cash and June 30th is the end of the Q2 2013 fund raising quarter.
Marc Veasey added up the cash in his campaign account & checked the date on the calendar. By doing so, we learned his race card rhetoric just doesn’t match reality.