The sad truth is that we are so used to our public officials betraying our trust that it is no longer news. Such is the case with Houston City Council Member James Rodriguez's ethics violation committed this current election cycle. A private citizen who wishes to remain nameless for now (they have filed a report with the State Attorney General), attempted to give this story to mainstream media several times before contacting me and asking for my help. I was approached due to my association with the Red Light Camera campaign and it was thought I was someone not afraid of City Hall. How could I say no?
What this one citizen discovered was that Council Member Rodriguez is using his city Council office and staff to raise campaign funds. This is a violation of City and State laws relating to how elected official are supposed to manage their taxpayer funded public offices. The evidence speaks for itself, what we have done is copy Mr Rodriguez campaign web site and listed the violation as they appear on the web site as of 11-21-2011.
No embellishment, no commentary just the facts.
We are asking that the Mayor and District Attorney investigate this matter with swiftness and purpose.