The sad truth is that we are so used to our public officials betraying our trust that it is no longer news. Such is the case with Houston City Council Member James Rodriguez's ethics violation committed this current election cycle. A private citizen who wishes to remain nameless for now (they have filed a report with the State Attorney General), attempted to give this story to mainstream media several times before contacting me and asking for my help. I was approached due to my association with the Red Light Camera campaign and it was thought I was someone not afraid of City Hall. How could I say no?
What this one citizen discovered was that Council Member Rodriguez is using his city Council office and staff to raise campaign funds. This is a violation of City and State laws relating to how elected official are supposed to manage their taxpayer funded public offices. The evidence speaks for itself, what we have done is copy Mr Rodriguez campaign web site and listed the violation as they appear on the web site as of 11-21-2011.
No embellishment, no commentary just the facts.
We are asking that the Mayor and District Attorney investigate this matter with swiftness and purpose.
john joseph says
I hope Rodriguez is subjected to the same scrutiny as was Jones. Since Jones was not a 'favorite' of the administration, we will see id a 'double standard' applies.
TxJustice says
Wait – Isn't that a felony? Where are the authorities?
sybarite says
I see that CM Rodriguez has changed his re-election website as of this morning. Why would he do that if nothing was wrong? It steams me that Rodriguez used taxpayer resources to promote his campaign and solicit donations. Unlike CM Jones, Rodriguez voted with the mayor over 95{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of the time, so I'm sure he's bought himself some life insurance from prosecution or censure by the city.
TxJustice says
Apparantly, the League of Women Voters moderator called out and challenged James Rodriguez on this ethics violation last night in his debate with chaenger Leticia Ablaza. Rodriguez first denied it, then when challenged with the evidence, he was silent.
Gritsforbreakfast says
Sorry, there's a reason the MSM wouldn't touch it and the AG won't do anything with it, either. There's no case there. No benefit gained nor attempt to harm or defraud, and even if there were the value is de minimus – Class C misdemeanor range, at best. Plus, it's false that the contact info is being used to raise money: The campaign address is listed on the contributions page, this is just what is says: "Contact information."
I agree with the first sentence in this post but there are much better, more egregious examples than this one.
sybarite says
I’m sure poster Gritsforbreakfast is well-meaning, but I think he’s fallen victim to a common and dangerous mind set. It is not OK that our elected official only broke the law a little. Public servants like police, judges, and council members actually should be held to higher standard of behavior than ordinary citizens. That is the covenant we have with them in exchange for giving them our trust. As a long term professional politician, Rodriguez can’t even claim ignorance. Since he never owned up to the violation or apologized, I suspect the truth is that arrogance and a sense of entitlement are at the root of his behavior.
Having breached our trust by breaking the law “de minimus” so openly, it’s fair to wonder what larger crimes might Rodriguez have committed and simply hidden better. This is how people react when our public servants knowingly betray us—even a little.
Twister says
What ever short falls he may have, his opponent was a nightmare. Anyone that has spent anytime involved in politics knows who she was from her fight against historic designations. She was a nightmare and didn't seem to have any ethics. Just seeing her trying to campaign was cringe worthy. I will take a few procedural mis-steps of Mr. Rodriguez over the complete incompetence and lack of character of his last opponent anyday.