So you’re the District Attorney of the largest county in Texas. Big job. Lots and lots to do putting murderers on death row, solving rape cases, thwarting drug cartels, etc. Unless you happen to be the current occupant of the job, Devon Anderson. If you are Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson, you spend your time trying to shut down a fellow Republican scheduled to speak at a Harris County Republican Club.
Hey, what can I say? Truth is stranger than fiction.
Fellow BJP contributor Don Hooper was asked to speak at the Daughters of Liberty’s April meeting about the pro-life issue. In case you don’t know, that issue is the driving issue for Don’s political involvement through the years. So, naturally, he accepted.
Oh my, you would have thought that the DOL asked Hillary Clinton to speak the way DA Anderson reacted. First her consultant, an associate at Blakemore and Associates, tried to get the club president, Bonnie Lugo, to rescind the invitation. When that didn’t work, Ms. Anderson’s sister-in-law tried to get Ms. Lugo to rescind the invitation. When that didn’t work, DA Anderson herself stepped in and tried to pressure Ms. Lugo into rescinding the invitation via email and voicemail (which I’ve seen and heard). When her pressure on Ms. Lugo didn’t work, DA Anderson went so far as to send emails to the members and directors of the DOL critical of Ms. Lugo’s decision to invite Hooper and threatening to have the Texas Federation of Republican Women revoke the DOL’s status as an auxiliary. You know, throw a little elected official weight around.
It almost worked. A couple of members of the DOL board bought into DA Anderson’s story and went so far as to call a board meeting to try and overturn the invite.
A funny thing happened during that meeting.
Ms. Lugo laid out the cards and it turns out that the Daughters of Liberty’s board decided they wanted to hear what Hooper had to say. They went so far as to send a letter to their members about it:
DOL Board of Director’s Response 4-12-2016
DA Anderson made inaccurate statements about Hooper’s invitation and provided “evidence” that didn’t add up? Say it ain’t so!!
But, honestly, it sounds typical of the Harris County DA’s office under Anderson’s direction, doesn’t it?
You know, like colluding with Planned Parenthood to charge a couple of do-gooders who were trying to expose the horrific trade in aborted baby’s body parts? Instead of, you know, presenting evidence to the grand jury about the horrific practices that the do-gooders exposed?
Truth is, DA Anderson doesn’t like Hooper because he occasionally writes things about her that are true. Uncomfortable but true. Damaging to her ego but true. Things she’d rather not have the public know about but true. Notice the common denominator – truth.
If I were you and wanted to know why DA Anderson tried to bully the women of the Daughters of Liberty, I’d go to Thursday night’s meeting and see what Hooper has to say. Whatever it is, it will be true.
And that, apparently, won’t go well for DA Anderson.
Here is the official invite – you can save a few bucks by RSVP’ing and paying online. I get a feeling that this is going to be standing room only. Sorta, kinda, the opposite of what DA Anderson wanted.
Don’t forget to RSVP now for the discount. Click here to reserve your seat.