It doesn’t matter where you stand on the issue of homosexual marriage when it comes to the controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A and its President, Dan Cathy, you should support his right to say what he thinks without the threat of government interference. If you don’t support his right to his thoughts and beliefs, it could be you and your business that is denied operating permits by weak minded politicians like Rahm Emanuel and Thomas Menino.
Make a statement with your pocketbook and stop by a Chick-fil-A today. Hey, the food isn’t half bad and you’ll have done a small part by letting Chick-fil-A know that you stand by them. I’ve already been to one this morning!

I don’t like the organizations that Chick-fil-A supports at all, but I also think it was wrong for those politicians to impede licensing based on some unwise contributions.
Lunch selection was pretty much a toss up until I remembered that today is Perry’s pork chop day!
Dude, sacrifice for the cause! I expected more from you. ;-(
But………..Perry’s pork chop? Okay, chicken tomorrow.
Congratulations to you and Terri on your new granddaughter BJ !
I would like to use this image on an online petition to keep our Chick-Fil-A open in our University Center that a group of faculty members want to shut down due to Mr. Cathy's comments. Who do I speak to to get permission to use this image.