Do you know us? Will Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan file a lawsuit against us?
Will Texas Attorney General Greg Abbotts’ office prosecute us for knowingly voting where we don’t reside?
We’re the supporters of a Democrat who currently holds elected office in Harris County. Several of us provided the same Pasadena, Texas address to Harris County for voter registration purposes, but that address is not necessarily the residence listed on our driver’s licenses nor used for the mailing of our absentee ballots.
For voter registration and Texas driver license purposes, one of us resides in the Houston zip code of 77003 but his ballot was mailed to an address in Deer Park, Texas.
For Texas driver license purposes the second of our troupe resides in The Woodlands, Texas and as of January 2014 he was registered to vote in both Harris AND Montgomery County.
For voter registration purposes one of us resides in Pasadena, Texas but Harris County mailed her ballot to an address in Virginia.
For voter registration purposes another in our coterie informed Harris County he resides in Pasadena, Texas but public records show two addresses associated with his Texas driver license—maybe he forgot to notify Texas DPS of his address change within 30 days as Texas law requires.
Harris County voter registration and Texas driver license records show another in our merry band resides in Pasadena, Texas however Harris County Appraisal District records reflect he owns a small single-family residence in the Houston zip code of 77003.
Then there’s the spouse of the elected official.
Harris County voter registration and Texas driver license records show the spouse of the elected official resides at that Pasadena, Texas address however Harris County mailed an absentee ballot to an address in the Houston, Texas zip code of 77092. Harris County Appraisal District records reflect the spouse owns a single-family home in Houston.
The elected official we support? For voter registration and Texas driver license purposes, the Democrat we support resides in—oops, that will give it away.
But like another good Democrat, this one too protests his/ her OWN Harris County property taxes while supporting tax increases for everyone else.
Will Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan file a lawsuit against us? Will Texas Attorney General Greg Abbotts’ office prosecute us for knowingly voting where we don’t reside?
Geezzzz say it ain’t so. How can that be. Seems like there were two felony convictions in Montgomery County where they were legitimately registered and yet convicted. But DEMOCRATS are never charged and convicted when there is real fraud, yet it’s ignored. Reminds me of the IRS, Fast and Furious, the lost 40,000 illegals, a few now beheaded, Ebola……. Need I go on?
Guess there’s nothing wrong with the involvement of a Democrat!
Lots of innuendo here, but no substance without details. Feel free to file a criminal complaint if you think there’s been a law broken.
The evidence is overwhelming, and on public record……from what I have seen. I don’t know if it’s what is being referred to here or not. but it’s really damning. You can believe that they’d even think of trying this, but it’s got about 4 years or more in history…..totally unchecked, and may even involve the County Attorney….
Here is a case of Abbott hypocrisy – first Abbott revels and tweets that a democrat pct chair is convicted of voter fraud. – but when a republican does the same thing in Montgomery County he is silent.