Answer: pretty damn sick. Incredibly they are having their annual Christmas party inside the walls of….the largest abortion clinic in the United States.
At least in this case the had the decency to call it a "holiday" party. We've come a long way from a child born in a manger. Progressive politics indeed.
Former contributor Kimmon "Texpat" Johnson sends this missive in honor of the party:
Turning our gaze to more local matters.
It comes to my attention, via the gilded invitation to the ghastly gala at Houston's Planned Parenthood human abbatoir, the swell gals of Bayou City's Democratic Party seem currently to have thrown the last residue of dignity and taste down the storm sewer.
Sponsoring this gruesome celebration are the River Oaks Area Democratic Women (ROADwomen) and the nuanced Bay Area Association of Democratic Women (BAAD Women).
Yes, really. I'm not kidding.
So delightfully clever and unintentionally appropriate.
Next Thursday, the bird-legged, trophy wife, bad girl, roadwhores of Kirby Drive and Houston Yacht Club, with their bejeweled, enhanced cleavages, intensely coiffed and coutured, will gather in an orgy of air kisses and champagne glasses to congratulate one another on their monumental contribution to local eugenics.
While they would never normally be caught dead in a place like this Planned Parenthood pre-natal industrialized mortuary, providing euthanasia for the unborn of the unwashed ghettos and barrios has its grand demographic benefits. Fewer welfare recipients equates to more funding for their husbands' Solyndra projects.
However, heaven forbid our own sweet daughters should ever step foot into a horrible place like this ! When Buffy or Courtney, away at Wellesley or Harvard, get their Ecstasy freak on with Jamal, local b-ball phenom and frequent baby daddy to coeds of the rich and famous, and come home preggers, we'll send them away to that discreet clinic in La Jolla. The nice doctor there terminates the bi-racial problem and shreds the records, for a handsome deductible donation to his foundation, of course. I mean, the boy is from a Bedford-Stuyvesant housing project, a godforsaken hellhole if there ever was one. What would my neighbors say ? The horror of it !
It's going to be such a fabulous evening, dahlings.
See you Thursday.
Roadwhores and Badgirls indeed.
Nothing more to say. Ghastly people pushing ghastly policies.
Texpat says
There goes my political career. I guess I won't be raising any campaign money in River Oaks or Clear Lake.
Bonecrusher says
What good does it do one to have the money to buy the entire world yet not enough sense to save one's soul?
Izzy says
No Republican can win the Presidency in 2012 if he campaigns for the repeal of Roe v Wade. Also, fertilized eggs are not people. In the words of Leon Spinks: They "ain't got no money, they ain't got no toofers, and they sho ain't got no driver's license."
David Jennings says
Izzy, I don’t care what side of the fence you are on, this is sick.
Mark says
At least these ghouls are all in. They're obviously proud of their bloody politics. It's the "safe, legal, and rare" crowd that I find particularly horrid. Abortion is either wrong or not.
Mark says
What are they, rutabagas?
bob42 says
The Mississippi 'Personhood Amendment' was soundly defeated recently. That should tell ya something. I understand all the emotion surrounding this issue. I also notice that it's an especially beneficial political football that is kicked around during the republican primary season.
So far, similar measure have been voted down in several other states, and are pending in several others. It would be interesting to see what might happen if one were to actually pass.
David Jennings says
I fail to see what that has to do with the matter at hand Bob. And if you truly think that I put this here for some primary gain, you don’t know me at all. This is disgusting.
bob42 says
I know you better than that, and such was not my intent. Unlike a lot of politicians, you are sincere.
Mark says
The post is about the Democrat party celebrating Christmas inside the country's largest abortatorium, not about an amendment in Mississippi. I understand it may be hard for atheists to wrap their conscience around this but they are celebrating the birth of the man we Christians consider our Savior in a place where they kill babies by the thousands. That's one big "F you" to a whole lot of people. What next, celebrate Hanukkah in Auschwitz?
Mark says
I just noticed my very own state rep Jessica Farrar is sponsoring. I'm not surprised since she introduced legislation to allow mothers to murder their own babies with a slap on the wrist. What a disgusting herd of cows.
Texpat says
Dave Jennings nor I mentioned political campaigns, Roe v Wade, judicial opinions or legislation of any kind. The reasons why Izzy and Bob42 flew off in those directions will forever be lost to the rational and logical. Are they selling bad ditchweed on the streets of Houston again ?
Don't bother ducking, boys, the point already sailed way over your heads.
bob42 says
Texpat went out of his way to associate that party with the official Harris County Democratic party, and outrage ensued. The three groups of democrats that are actually sponsoring the event went also went out of their way to associate with their entire party. (btw, they used an old or altered logo at the top of their invitation.
I conclude that some (but not all) on both wings of the political bird are making this a timely political football for political gain.
I did a site search at for "holiday party" and found no mention of this event. I also checked their calendar. It wasn't listed there either. With only a week to go, you'd think these groups would have requested that it be listed. I wonder if they did.
I reckon some folks actually do their homework, while several others consider it an unnecessary formality.
Texpat says
Like I said about the point, but nevertheless….
Co-Sponsor for the Planned Parenthood event: Texas Democratic Women – Harris County
From their website,
duane says
Silly. They're carrots.
Texpat says
Son of a gun. You don't expect these local political parties to be up to speed with their online presence in an off-year, but look what I just found on the Events Calendar of the Harris County Democratic Party website.
bob42 says
My comments pertain more to the reaction to Texpat's post than its content.
If the original post was satire, it wasn't bad. Not good satire, just not bad. Is it satire?
Mark says
Well Izzy's a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat hack. You'd expect him to tack in that direction. Bobo's a little more nuanced. Being a "libertarian" and champion warrior against the Toopardydoowopoly, he must at least try to come across non-partisan. It's a tough job…
David Jennings says
I have to admit that I don’t view Izzy as a D hack. Both Iz and Bob are “nice guys” and I like to hang with them. Although I’ve never actually met Iz – you know what I mean. That is why this whole thread makes me sad. If these guys, both “nice” and well informed don’t pause and say, damn, that is disgusting, then maybe all is lost and we should accept that this country has lost all hope. ๐
bob42 says
Several Christians, one Jew, and an athiest walk into a bar.
The barkeep asks, "What is this, an LST family reunion?"
David Jennings says
LOL, I need a ‘Like’ button for that one Bob.
Texpat says
Now you sound like Squawk. One guy like that is enough.
And yes, even I can admit to liking Bob and Izzy, even if I'm cranky and grouchy about it.
David Jennings says
Texpat. I love ya man but saying I’m like Squawk is over the line!
Mark says
I find myself wondering that quite frequently. Not just about blog aquaintences, but folks I've known personally for a long time. Sometimes I just stand there dumbfounded and ask "Really??? Not even this gives you pause???"
mharper42 says
The Holiday Party that Texpat uncovered is demonstrably on that website. And no, Dems don't satirize themselves.
Google for "harris county democratic party" "holiday party" 2011 has 470 hits already, so the word is spreading rather quickly. Ironic that Texpat way up in NJ found it before we locals did.
Darren says
I read "Holiday Party" on the bulletin. Just another reminder of the lack of promoting life from the Democrats.
Izzy says
The party is tacky. To some, Planned Parenthood is a Godsend, to others, the Devil incarnate. Sticking your nose too far into a woman's business is just wrong. And let's not be too sanctimonious, shall we? Your God is no better than my God. I kinda believe what Genesis 2:7 says. You were made from dust and were not alive until the Lord God breathed into your nostrils.
bob42 says
The event was not listed on the HCDP's calendar yesterday morning. It's there now. So what?
This is a pretty superfical and pointless analysis: 'Google for "harris county democratic party" "holiday party" 2011 has 470 hits already…' Again, so what?
I did the same google search, and actually looked at many ages pages of results. I learned that there are at least three holiday parties planned by several groups of democrats. The one nearst me is in Clear Lake Shores (I'm not going.) There's another in Spring Branch, and one at a CWA union hall. There are probably others. I missed finding the location of this years Official HDCP Holiday Party, but did learn that last year's event was held at Goode's Armadillo Palace downtown. Gasp! I think it might be a sub-conspiracy of the vast left wing 'War on Christmas.'
What I saw most in the google results were links and re-links to articles much like this one. Glenn Beck's THEBLAZE "news" site showed up multiple times, as did links to World Nut Daily. All were negative, and most failed, as did Texpat, to clearly state that this was not an offical party event.
I know republicans who are pro-choice, and I know democrats who are pro-life. Attempting to paint the entire party as blood thirsty, death hungry abortion enthusiasts is not accurate, and betrays an undeniable political motive. I think I'll save the broad brushes for painting my house.
Merry Christmas.
Mark says
I thought we had the same God. The One True God. But if the worst criticism you can come up with for these bloodsuckers is "tacky" maybe we don't worship the same God.
Mark says
To ~300,000 babies each year they represent stone cold death in a most violent manner – being torn to bits and sucked out of the womb. As they say, YMMV, I guess.
Izzy says
you mentioned sucked…..again. We certainly don't worship at the same church.
Mark says
Mark says
Sorry man, but here's what the Democrat national platform says:
Here's what the Republican national platform says:
Can't get much more accurate than that.
Izzy says
get a wife
Mark says
Again, huh?
bob42 says
LOL Mark. Are you such an authoritarian that you think that every voter marches to a party platform?
Also, have you read your Texas republican party platform lately? I know quite a few republicans that find it pretty much nauseating.
Mark says
Yeah, that's me. Mr. Authoritarian. I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. What a right-wing authoritarian concept!
Darren says
Could you name two democrats you know who are prolife and how they are prolife? Would they criminalize abortions? We were told that many Democrats elected to Congress in 2010 were prolife but it really didn't take much to show they were not.
As for my own portayal of Democrats, it seems more and more obvious to me that Democrats (no, not every single one of them) care less and less about supporting life. Our society has uniquily supported life in this world and that has eroded greatly under liberalism. If the Democrats in question do not even mention Christ in their Christmas celebrations then why should they care about life in general? Christmas is a set time of the year to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The reason this is important to do is because of who Jesus Christ is. He is the center of salvation and happiness. Center to the plan of happiness is the family. Family is the means by which to bring forth bodies for all of God's children to experience mortality and thus uniqely propgress towards God. If even mentioning Crist in these holiday celebrations is not important enough than why celebrate the brining forth of life? What Planbned Parenthood and abortion in general as become is antithical to God's Plan of Happiness. combining the two is, as previously pointed out, disgusting.
Darren says
Sticking your nose too far inot a "woman's business' is not what gets women pregnant and running to Planed Parenthood. That requires an entirely different anatomical course of action. Once a woman makes a choice in her lifestyle, she does not have a choice to avoid the consequences of her lifestyle. destroying human life should not be an option for said women.
bob42 says
Darren, I could name at least four personal aquaintences that self ID as both pro-life and democrat. Granted, they are not pro-life to the extent that they would want the government to criminalize early term abortion or 'morning after pills' in cases of rape or incest. To some here I'm guessing that that would void their "Pro-Life!" credentials. But I respect their right to hold their own opinions, and ID as they wish.
If you'd care to google it you'd find that there are a few orgs made up of 'pro-life' dems. They're small, but persistant, and about as welcomed by their party as the Log Cabin Republicans are in theirs.
The point is that it is innaccurate, and a prime example of confirmation bias to assume that every democrat is "pro-abortion anytime" or that every republican thinks they should be criminalized in every event. This is simply not the case.
Mark says
No one said such a thing. What was said was the Democrat Party is unequivocally pro-abortion. That is a fact as demonstrated by their platform. If you identify yourself with the party you willingly, and with knowledge aforethought, accept that.
bob42 says
<blockquote>If you identify yourself with the party you willingly, and with knowledge aforethought, accept that.</blockquote>
That's pure nonsense. YOU might agree with every plank in the RPoT platform, but many others don't, and many republicans haven't even read it. Which is not surprising, since the party is so proud of it they tuck it few clicks beneath their home page, and you see a watered down version before you get to the full PDF. I don't blame them. I'd be embarrassed about it too.
Yes, everyone knows that the democratic party likes RvW the way it is, and the the republicans would like to see it overturned. But clearly, not all self IDing Ds or Rs agree with everthing in the respective platforms. To presume that they do is again, nonsensical.
My point all along is that to blame all democrats for the holiday party of some is broad brush painting, inaccurate, and possibly intentionally so.
Let's see…
<blockquote>At least these ghouls are all in. They're obviously proud of their bloody politics.</blockquote>
No, not ALL. I made that clear above, and supported my assertion with fact. At best, you're operating from emotion.
It's not an official party gathering. I also made that clear above.
<blockquote>The post is about the Democrat party celebrating Christmas inside the country's largest abortatorium…</blockquote>
Wanna paint my house next? You're quite talented with the broad brushes.
Darren says
I don't want to ban the morning after pills so long as there's legitimate medicinal purposes in addition toing them for abortion. And if there's a case of rape or incest then I strongly hope the victim would come foward. What if the incest was by choice though?
It's perfectly legitimate to characterize democrats as pro-abortionists. You yourself said how numerically small the pro-life Democrats are and how unwelcome they are in the Democrat Party.
Southern Tragedy says
"In the words of Leon Spinks: They "ain't got no money, they ain't got no toofers, and they sho ain't got no driver's license." Dang, Izzy! I also remember the Leon Spinks Pepsodent commercial…"Hi! I'm Leon Spinks. I use Pepsodent 'cause it makes my toof it's whitest". ๐
Riddle me this, Batman. Howcumzit that abortion in not about killing kids but getting rid of a blob. Howcumzit that iffin' you want your child and you are killed due to a violent crime whilst pregnated at an early age, the "alleged suspect" can be charged with a double murder? Hmmmm?
Southern Tragedy says
Oh. And Bob? "I know republicans who are pro-choice, and I know democrats who are pro-life". Pro choice is just another deflection from saying that you approve of abortion. Pro-life is pretty clear. Hope this helps, shuuug. I'd also like you to provide facts with a few Dems who support anti-abortion. Thanks. ๐
bob42 says
ST, don't take my word for it. According to most Americans, I'm not trustworthy, therefore, it must be true. ๐ Seriously, google "pro-life democrats" and see for yourself.
I dislike both "pro-life" and "pro-choice" because they are polarizing, exclusionary, and lead to precisely the kind of superficial broad brushing we've seen on this thread. I'm pro-fact, pro-science, and pro-reality.
Darren, you said: "It's perfectly legitimate to characterize democrats as pro-abortionists. You yourself said how numerically small the pro-life Democrats are and how unwelcome they are in the Democrat Party."
That is a type of logical fallacy known as 'argumentum ad populum.' According to your logic, it would be "perfectly legitimate" to assign to Mormons the beliefs of the many sects that out number them. Does that work for you, or would you prefer to have your own voice in the matter and not be lumped in with the larger group?
Mark says
If "Pro-life" Democrats are not working to reform their party to one that respects life they are tacitly supporting abortion.
And the notion that this "Celebration" is not a Democrat party celebration is patently absurd. It's being sponsored by two of the local party leaders!
Darren says
Huh? My arguments regarding Mormonism is that Mormons are Christians. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is central to salvation. Mormons do too. (In fact, I'm listening to the LDS Christmas Devotional which is saying as much as I type this). Christians believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Mormons do too. Anytime I answered the charge that Mormons are not Christian, I used scripture accepted by all Christians. That's a matter of interpretation; not to question one's Christianity.
Regarding my depiction of Democrats, here's what I said, "As for my own portayal of Democrats, it seems more and more obvious to me that Democrats (no, not every single one of them) care less and less about supporting life." Did you catch the bold? I recognized that there are Democrats which do not support abortion but the party itself most definitely *does* suppport abortion and this has become increasingly so as of recent years.
Texpat says
Well, if I had known insulting the liberal women of River Oaks and the Houston Yacht Club would get this many comments, I would have done it sooner.
bob42 says
All things considered, it was pretty good satire. Keep it coming.
Izzy says
I liked the lines,While they would never normally be caught dead in a place like this Planned Parenthood…and bejeweled enhanced cleavages. Very cutting edge.
Izzy says
Check out The Brian Williams Tie Report. Delicious satire in chewable pieces.
Lance says
Texpat hammers another nail into the lid of his political coffin. Would River Oaks ladies really drive through vile polluted Pasadena air, risk being looted by Baycliff highwaymen, and park their classic Bentleys in the HYC gravel paring lot? How horribly gauche. If drive they must it is to Lakewood, but I think the preferred transport is Gucci striped helicopter. (Or beam into NASA and be shuttled down the road.) A bunch of beer swilling Soling sailors will likewise not be amused by the comparison. I wonder if they still rig water balloon launchers in the mainstays.
bob42 says
I don't see how I missed this gem above. Here, the commenter yet again self defines as an authoritarian suffering from an acute case of confirmation bias:
"And the notion that this "Celebration" is not a Democrat party celebration is patently absurd. It's being sponsored by two of the local party leaders!"
He might as well have said, "evidence to the contrary and facts be damned. It's true simply because I say it is true!"
Let's extend his non-logic. Because David Barton is the former vice chair of the entire republican party of Texas, and is now a well paid republican pundit/propagandist, every member of the republican party MUST be as crazy and blatantly dishonest as Barton is.
Of course, that would be "patently absurd." And fortunately, nobody is actually saying that. Some folks actually care about facts. Others apparently do not.
Mark says
Yeah, you're right Bobo. An announcement on Harris County Democrat Party stationary, posted on the Harris County Democrat Party calendar of events, sponsored by two prominent Harris County Democrat elected officials, inviting Harris County Democrat women (and the men who love them) to a celebration being held at the altar of the Democrats' most sacred cow has nothing to do with Democrats. What was I thinking!