Back in 2009, Newsbusters wrote this article about ABC’s “Good Morning America” financial correspondent Bianna Golodryga failure to report the shakedown tactics of Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA) and the background of NACA’s CEO, Bruce Marks. Marks, courtesy of Capital Research Center’s David Hogberg and Matthew Vadum:
“is an example of the radical activist-turned non profit executive…time and again NACA has combined the street tactics of protest and demonstration with public policy tools such as the CRA to pressure banks into expanding their operations in poor neighborhoods.”
“NACA typically extracts self-serving concessions from banks, forcing them to providing it with funds that it then uses to make mortgage loans to low-income borrowers. NACA rolls the fees it earns servicing these loans back into its campaign of bullying banks.”
Houston’s ABC affiliate KTRK could have performed the Internet search I did in under three minutes to locate the CRC’s document describing NACA as the “less well-known” ACORN prior to publishing this story on NACA’s free mortgage help at the George R. Brown Convention Center this weekend. KTRK’s piece doesn’t even mention the name Bruce Marks, which is easily found on their blog.
Instead, KTRK embraced the same principle of whitewashing NACA’s bullying background as their ABC colleague Golodryga and reported on NACA’s more sympathetic-sounding “helping provide affordable mortgages” meme.
Shame on you, KTRK.
Great piece of work Yvonne!
Good work!