The 10.1% unemployment rate in California must be an unemployment rate the Harris County & Houston Democrats are trying to emulate. Another 123 Houston families will be thrown onto food stamps, unemployment insurance and God knows what other misery when 70 people at Champion Windows (in CD-2) and 53 people at Devon Energy (in CD-18) lose their jobs within the next 45 days.
But hey, there’s a bright side.
Since Houston votes predominately Democrat, the families affected by this job loss have a higher propensity to BE Democrats.
This is precisely what you Democrats in Houston & Harris County voted for; congratulations on a job well done.
Karen Shores Kernes says
Elections have consequences! Most liberals didn't think it would affect them…they supported Obama…couldn't happen to me! Right! Guess again.
Scrap Iron in Texas says
What’s the deal with Champion Windows?
That is a fairly large firm near 1960.
Years ago, I had picked up product to be shipped (SMT) there, and they were quite busy.
Alex Shaskevich says
All because those companies have more than 50 employees and those extras have to get health insurance. Bummer.
Izzy says
“This is precisely what you Democrats in Houston & Harris County voted for; congratulations on a job well done.”
At least there will be 269 fewer potential Democrat voters next time.
Simple Simon says
From the Houston Business Journal
” Oklahoma City-based Devon said last month it is closing its Houston office at 1200 Smith St. as part of a consolidation plan. The company currently employs about 500 people in Houston, and it expects to relocate some of those workers to its Oklahoma City headquarters.
Devon expects the consolidation, which it estimates will save $80 million annually, to be substantially complete by the end of the first quarter of 2013. ”
Having worked for an oil company and engineering company or two…these decisions are not made overnight. Building leases are long term affairs.
I have worked with Devon Energy as a vendor and they are very focused on costs. They are not the first Houston Oil & Gas Company to close-consolidate their offices for economic reasons.
Remember Williams? Haliburton?
How many Oil & Gas Companies have been shifting their Accounting functions to India in the last 10 years. This had nothing to do with whether Harris County voted Democratic or Republican.
Yvonne Larsen says
Houston and Harris County Democrats voted for tyranny over freedom.
Aided & abetted by crony contributors to the campaigns of corrupt politicians, they willfully voted to seize more private property through onerous regulations, higher taxation (including the most morally bankrupt tax of all; the Death Tax) and annexation. I consider anyone who voted for tyranny to be a threat to my way of life and my rights.
Based on those principles (and I am not speaking for Devon or the other private sector companies) I see them exercising one of the remaining freedoms they have.. the freedom to relocate to the city, state, county or country of their choice. I along with over 150,000 of my fellow refugees from the City of Houston did EXACTLY that over the past 2 years. We left.
On that principle you and I appear to agree.
Simple Simon says
Can you elighten me as to what the “floor” is for the Federal Estate Tax for 2011 & 2012?
Just how many middle-class and upper middle-class families do you think will be impacted?
I will be impacted due to some very good investments and being married to a CPA, but it is as
about as worrisome as a cloudy day because we have done our up front estate planning. Send me an e-mail and I will share my estate lawyer’s name with you.
Yvonne Larsen says
Simple, no government and no individual has a fundamental right to confiscatory and conditional taxation of my property.