As I noted here, today was the grand opening of the West Side Republican headquarters. I must say that Commissioner Steve Radack really came through – the office is perfectly located and is huge!
Think about it:
- You can volunteer in the morning, then head over to Edd Hendee’s Taste of Texas for lunch!
- You can have lunch at Edd Hendee’s Taste of Texas, then head down the street to the office and volunteer for the afternoon!
- You can volunteer in the afternoon, then head over to Edd Hendee’s Taste of Texas for dinner!
Hmm. I detect a common denominator – food from Taste of Texas, which is right down the street! How cool is that?
Plenty of politicians and Republican leaders turned out. I had to leave before the speechmaking but I can tell you this – there was a Jared Woodfill sighting! And to think, just this weekend I said that was a rare occurrence. Shame on me. I also saw District Clerk Chris Daniel, State Rep. Jim Murphy, Congressman John Culberson, SBOE candidate Donna Bahorich, and the Pondering Penguin herself, Karen Townsend!
And food, lots and lots of food – Republicans and food go together like fried chicken and mashed potatoes! I’m telling you, it is going to be a good year for Harris County Republicans. Mark it down.
A few pictures:
Glad to hear about this Location!
Our neighborhood group will visit them soon!