On the same day that the Harris County Republican Party was holding another poll watcher training session, I wrote this:
This is particularly true in Harris County, especially under Chairman Paul Simpson. Simpson has focused totally on building a solid organization and a GOTV campaign and very little effort has been spent on messaging or expanding the party. Since this will be the first campaign that his policies are in full effect for, it will be very interesting to see if his strategy works. Republicans win, he gets all the glory. Republicans get swept, well, you know the drill.
Well, guess what. Harris County Republicans got swept. So the drill begins.
Simpson decided to get in front of the drill, sending me this email the day after the election:
Dear David —
Thank you for your vote, your time, your hard work, your financial support, and your dedication this election season!
This was an election to remember, with some great wins and some tough losses. After record-setting Republican results in 2014 and 2015, this year reminds us that there are no permanent victories in politics–and no permanent defeats. The fight goes on, and we will win again!
With Republicans controlling the White House and Congress, we look forward to restoring balance to the Supreme Court and conservative reforms that will clear the way for all Americans and their families to achieve their goals and dreams.
We are a strong party, and we will continue to be a strong party because of each and every one of you.
We could not have accomplished all we did this November without your support.Thank you!
I’m pretty certain that Simpson didn’t really mean to thank me specifically but that’s the nature of email blasts. He just got his arse handed to him but by golly Big Jolly, look at 2014 and 2015! Um, what exactly happened in 2015? And great wins for any Republican in Harris County this year? Say what?
Former HCRP Chair Jared Woodfill was respectful and waited until the second day after Harris County Republicans were wiped out to say this:
Trump Wins!
Harris County Republicans Suffer Biggest Loss in History of the HCRP
Dear Friends,
Last night’s presidential results were historic. For the first time in decades, Republicans will have a uniquely consolidated power base, controlling the White House, Senate, and House, as well as a majority of governorships. As a result, we should be able to appoint conservative justices, eliminate Obamacare, get rid of the Johnson Amendment (which censures the church), cut the national debt, open up the energy markets, protect religious liberties, and so much more. As my friends at AFA stated, “We were about to go over the cliff. The knockout punch was about to be delivered to the America that our Founding Fathers handed to us. We were about to lose the Supreme Court of the United States to the far left for a generation. Persecution against Christians was about to be amped up the likes of which we have never seen before. After all, Hillary Clinton called us an ‘unredeemable basket of deplorables.'” In Donald Trump, we now have a pro-life President-elect, instead of one who supported partial-birth abortion, and believed that the taxpayers should pay for it.
But incredibly, Democrats swept to victory in ALL countywide offices in Harris County. This is the worst defeat for Republicans in the 71-year history of the Republican Party of Harris County.
I wish I could say that Harris County did as well as Donald Trump performed around the country. Unfortunately, under the leadership of Harris County Republican Party Chairman Paul Simpson, we suffered the greatest defeat in our history as a local party, as other Republican counties around the country were experiencing huge victories. Under the leadership of Republican Chairman Paul Simpson, Hillary Clinton swept Harris County by over 150,000 votes even when she lost nationwide to Trump. Republicans lost all Harris County countywide elections. This is an unacceptable result and the product of failed leadership.
What happened? Among other things, the Harris County Republican Party leadership fails to take a stand. They all but ignore social issues. The Harris County Republican Party leadership refuses to speak out for the unborn. The Harris County Republican Party leadership has run from biblical marriage. The Harris County Republican Party leadership has remained silent while a local Republican candidate brags about her Planned Parenthood endorsement. The Harris County Republican Party leadership has failed to take a stand against the radical LGBT political movement. The Harris County Republican Party leadership refused to engage in our efforts to defeat Annise Parker’s “Bathroom Ordinance.” And the Harris County Republican Party leadership refused to unite around the Republican nominee, Donald J. Trump. Their mantra was “Harris County Works. Vote Republican.” This message would not cause anyone watching Wheel of Fortune to jump out of their seat and vote for the Republicans, nor would it motivate anyone watching football to get up and vote for the Republicans. Paul Simpson never addressed the issues that differentiate conservative Republicans from Democrats.
The election results in Harris County prove that ‘Harris County doesn’t work’ when the local Republican party stands for nothing.
If we are going to win in 2018, leadership needs to change immediately. It is incumbent upon conservatives to stand up, speak up and refuse to accept local leadership that refuses to stand for our values. The values found in our Republican Party of Texas Platform.
Donald Trump is not our savior. Jesus Christ is our King. However, Donald Trump has chosen to surround himself with many Godly men and women like Dr. Ben Carson, Gov. Mike Pence, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Kellyanne Conway and many more. I ask all reading this email to pray daily for President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence. I pray they will stay true to their promises, return our country to a constitutional republic and may the Lord bring a great spiritual revival to America. It is time to fight the good fight!
Jared Woodfill
President, Conservative Republicans of Texas
Meanwhile, if you head over to the Harris County Republican Party Facebook page, you’ll find this:
How would you like to be someone named Garcia, Rodriguez, Gonzalez, Rameruz (or someone that knows how to spell Ramirez) and see that on a political party’s page? Why would anyone say that Harris County Republicans are racist?
But hey! Harris County Works!
David, pass the popcorn!
If the posting by Ms. McLean is representative of the majority of “Republicans” in Harris County, then I need to find a different party.
I guess getting his client sanctioned last month by the Galveston judge in the $400 million (!) divorce case has made Jared The Litigator desperate to go jump back into politics! So much for lawsuit abuse reform. Didn’t take him long to begin trying to turn our loss into his gain, eh?
The card that Hotze and Woodfill sent out comparing Republicans and Democrats was disgusting. I’m a registered Republican but I would NEVER say that crap about the Democrats. Lies and insults!!!!
You want to know why Harris County did so poorly? Hotze and Woodfill, look in the mirror. That kind of piece guarantees that lots of us vote more and more on the Democrat side of the ticket. Of 50+ choices, I voted for 8 Democrats. Straight ticket will NEVER happen with me and lots of us in Harris County. Valoree Swanson is a classic example of someone who could NEVER get my vote
Fat Albert,
How could you tell?
I’ve read more coherent Nigerian emails.
Folks like Woodfill and Hotze are one reason I vote for more Democrats and Libertarians these days, after decades of voting Republican. Both of them are hateful jerks who have no empathy for anyone who isn’t like them. It is impossible for either of them to imagine life as anything other than a rich white man. That kind of thinking will only shrink the party as the demographic wave continues to wash over this part of the country.
The question that needs to be asked is why, exactly, did Harris County go blue this election? The last 8 years have been characterized as narrow Democratic wins in the Presidential years followed by not-so-narrow Republican wins in the Gubernatorial years. And why does the City of Houston reliably vote blue, while the county and surrounding areas vote red?
Let’s actually do the analysis before we draw a conclusion. Turnout is higher in Presidential years, and many of these once-every-four-years voters either vote a straight ticket or else follow the party of their Presidential choice when voting in most down-ballot races. Is it such a huge shock when the party of the candidate who is portrayed by the media as a racist bigot does poorly in the most diverse county in the nation?
So, go ahead and ask hard questions. One of those questions should be, just how much impact did anything either of the local county parties did or did not do on the results in a County of 4.5 million, in a year characterized by more voter disgust with the top of the ticket than any other in my entire lifetime?
As a reliable R primary voter, delegate to conventions and former volunteer in Harris County I found it odd that I really didn’t receive much communications from the county party. I think I got one mailer. I agree on looking at the numbers and doing some hard looking. Kuffner has some interesting data here http://offthekuff.com/wp/?p=77505
The messaging was big time grossly expressed of what Harris County needed to make it work. I have requested that all Republican minority Clubs should have been invited to meet and discussed the politics in our area, and that Eastside Latino Strategist that we can recommend be invited at the table.
Did GOP listen, nope and when I was trying to discuss it with our Judge Emmett what strategies we were going to face, the GOP Head sent someone to pull him away with a pretence of a lie.
He had to leave quickly with this individual who I called him out for his disrespect in the middle of a private conversation and he
apologized to me for what he was told to do.
I forgave him for wrongful mannerism we have been shown. I can truthfully say that our organization as Republucan Hispanic Citizens in Action was greatful for the hard support of Alan Blackemore and his group, Dr. Hotze and his behind the scene support, Comm. Steve Radac and Jared woodfil and his previous staffs. Thank you each.
Waiting to see if..if Paul will contact us at all. What do you think.
If we as Republicans demand accountability, then the only honorable thing to do is call for the Chair’s resignation. Simpson should do the right thing and offer his resignation as a confidence vote from his Precinct Chairs.
Nothing less will do.
Everyone take a breath. Yes, we got our blanks beaten in Harris County. And, yes the extent of our defeat shows the county party’s flaws for everyone to comprehend. Simpson’s improvement of the technical ability of the party is undeniable, However, the trade-off has been the loss of a viable vision. And, I am not referring to the vision of Hotze and crew. What was once a legitimate and ethical endeavor by Hotze has over the years been corrupted.
The county party needs an entirely new vision based on today’s realities. The vision should remain morally conservative, but for the party to succeed in the future, it must adopt a visionary economic agenda as well. We should instinctively recognize this economic agenda should concentrate on benefiting the ordinary residents of the county. The election of Trump tells us this. The wealthy party insiders should be put on notice that they are expected to assist in improving the circumstances of all the county’s residents, not just the fortunate few. We must reject those unprincipled persons who are politically involved only to make money.
The Republican county commissioners must recognize they must concentrate on more than building and maintaining roads and trails. Today’s county They control most of the political contributions made to county officials. Their lack of a public presence and multi phased vision greatly reduces the ability of countywide republican candidates to be elected. If the commissioners do not change their ways, eventually, they too will be seriously challenged in their precincts, possibly by the same democrats they allow to be elected to countywide positions. To be viable the county party needs county-wide office holders, including judges.
With most women working today, the traditional model of relying so much on the women’s clubs is no longer adequate. The Republican women’s clubs have for too long been expected to carry the organizational load. All party members must also step up and take a more visible presence in the community.
Words of optimism: we have accomplished at the federal level what just a few months ago many did not think possible and now have complete control Reversal of our current situation at the county level will be difficult but with a strong and reasoned effort it is entirely possible. Let’s put our differences behind us and get to work.
Don,Sumners, Hello!! Glad to see you are expressing yourself. I have to dissagree with you. What you are stating for vision and tolerance is so outdated several years ago. What you are saying in its entirety will not work to make Minorities come on back and start voting for Republicans. You are still in the mode of the “clique/few” dictating the lead.
I am not in the least turned on to get up and follow your words. We need a more dynamic Chairperson in the late 30’s and mid-forties. One that can at least speak in several languages and have a charming personality….a good hand shake and a manly laughter to him. Strong political science degree and with grassroots showing he has been speaking over the years amongst Republican Hispanics and Blacks, and most of all our Asian communities as well.
My two cents, for the first time in my life I voted straight Democrat, I normally support Republican candidates. I did not care if the Republican was better qualified, I only wanted to vote against a party who selects a nominee who begins his campaign with Mexicans are rapists. I don’t recall a single Harris County Republican taking those words to task. I lived through the 50s when as a young boy I had to carry proof of citizenship, I expect that may soon occur again. I have serious concerns for Muslims as they may be treated even worse.
The party of Reagan with its’ big tent no longer exists, so even though I am a social conservative and do economically well with Republican presidents, some things are just too important, DIGNITY.
Hi Berna: . I am certainly not one of the “clique/few,” whatever that is, far from it. However, I do realize why Donald Trump won. He appealed to the forgotten Americans. They had had enough..
I did not raise the issues surrounding minorities. I consider them to be included in the “ordinary residents” of the county. I am sorry but the minorities as you think of them have never voted republican. The only way to motivate minorities to vote republican is to assure they have the opportunity to succeed and prosper. Republicans should definitely make a special effort to help those minorities that are willing to help themselves. Foremost among this effort is improving public education.
For many years I have gone out of my way to hire minorities when I can. Many, through hard work, are well on their way owing their own businesses, getting higher education and becoming technicians and professionals. Hispanics have been especially adept at starting new businesses. What republicans should not do is to cater to or pamper minorities as if they are unable to succeed.. They can, and many have.
I did not address the prospect of replacing the county chairman. What I said was Simpson had improved the technical capability of the party, but had failed to provide a vision. As for the other side, I mentioned Hotze, et al. unfavorably.
I stand by my message.
With five large apartment complexes added to my precinct over the past 8 years, it has been transformed from a Republican to Democrat majority. I also conducted the election up by the Willowbrook Mall, in a precinct with a larger number of Democrats turning out than Republicans.
There is a lot of blame to spread around. I have decided what I need to do for the next four years.
That is a darn racist statement Don Sumners. Here I spent my life knowing that many minorities are much harder working than the average white male. The one real lesson that I learned in college was that whites were not smarter.
How do I know, because I have worked besides all kinds of persons, white, black, brown, and yellow if one wants to make a distinction. The hardest working person I met was a Black male, followed by a white man, but as group white males tend to work less than most.
I know you won’t think that what I wrote is racist, as you, Don Sumners do not think what you wrote is racist either.
Neither Here Nor There
You are correct. I went back through what I wrote and I don’t consider it racist. You provide no specifics for me to consider in making your racist claim . And, as far as I know you don’t know me. All I was saying, which is I think is the position of most republicans, is we should promote equal opportunity for everyone but oppose the democrat party position of government imposed equal outcome. Are you are in the wrong party? Its the democrats that call everyone that disagrees with them racist. At least I put my position out under my name.
Don Sumners
But I do know you, I met you and worked with you back during the Clymer Wright’s gathering of signatures for term limits. I knew you and spoke with you often during those Property Rights meetings, which Barry Klein led in the 1980s (Don’t recall the restaurant where we used to meet). I have supported you all those times that you have ran for office even when other Republicans were trashing you. I even worked in your campaign when you lost to Sullivan and all those nice Republicans hated your guts, like Steve Radack, they still do. I even supported you when you ousted Leo Vasquez, an American, like me, that is a minority.
So why is your statement racist, think on it. If you did not find anything I wrote racist I can see why you would not find anything I wrote to be racist.
Since one can’t correct, the last sentence should read, ….anything you wrote racist…
Neither Hear Nor There : Please call at 713-972-7808 or email me at [email protected]
It was ridiculous of you to include that Facebook post, David. Would be like someone writing about BJP’s stand on something and using the most incoherent comment it could find as representing your words.
In order to earn a majority of the votes for its candidates the HCRP is going to need to find a message that appeals to young voters. This county isn’t just getting less white, it’s getting less old.
I haven’t yet figured out what this message will contain, but it sure as shoot is not the neo-15th century bs slung by Woodfill et al. The biggest audience for what they’re selling is scared old white people. These people don’t make up a majority of the votes in the county, so what’s the use? What they do have is the resources available to line the pockets of Jared & the Gang. Their mission is self-enrichment. Not the county’s good or anyone else’s, but their own. I’m surprised anyone takes them seriously anymore.
You think? Hmm. I don’t know about that. First, I’m not the county party representing all Republicans. Not even close. Second, the post is still on Facebook. You’ll have to ask those that run the HCRP why that is still up representing the party. I would have deleted it the minute it was posted.
My gut feeling is that you are correct, the county is getting younger at the same time it is getting less white.
But the question is, can the Republicans salvage the county? And how will they do it?
Does this election show that the HCRP is on the wrong path?
Neither Here Nor There, I don’t blame you. Another example of party politics by Republicans showed up when the 280th Protective Order Court was created. The Republican party had the perfect Republican to put in as the judge of the 280th Protective Order Court A life-long Republican attorney who worked for AVDA (Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence) for years, and who helped start San Jacinto Republicans. But instead, they chose someone who had only been a civil judge and lost an election, and who had never practiced family law, let alone been involved in domestic violence cases. And do you know why? Look at Angelina Gooden’s picture and then Lynn Bradshaw-Hull’s picture and YOU tell ME why. Then let’s talk about Mecca Walker, a family law associate judge for over 8 years, who had fabulously high ratings among everyone who appeared in front of her. And yet, though she ran twice for a family bench, the Republican party refused to support her. And do you know why? Look at her picture and the picture of the judges that won those two elections and YOU tell ME why. The party is still a group of good-ole-boys keeping power amongst themselves, and ignoring obvious credentials. These actions, plus what Lowry, Polland, Bettencourt, Simpson, Hemphill, Dean, Millard, and some others, pulled on the most conservative and qualified family judge in 2014 so that they could get in an Obama pro-choice supporter turned me blue. And everyone I know did the same. It’s coming to roost now. 2018 is going to be even better.