Do yourself a favor. Head over to Charles Kuffner’s Off the Kuff and listen to the full 44 minutes of his interview with Harris County DA Pat Lykos. Kuff is the big dog of local blogging for a reason – he’s pretty good at it when he sets his mind to it. And I think that he must have set his mind to this one because it gives the listener some very good insight into DA Lykos and her motivations.
I had to laugh several times when she interrupted him to keep talking about forensics and justice. She did the same thing to me. Her exhuberance exuberance for justice and truth shines through. Just take a listen.
Kuff notes that he’s already interview Mike Anderson and will publish that shortly. I’m looking forward to that one as well, to see if his passion for rehabilitation and victim’s rights comes through. As I said earlier, if his team can find a way to communicate that passion to primary voters, it will improve his chances of winning.
Unfortunately for those of us that would like to see a race on the issues, the Anderson campaign is fully aware that in Harris County Republican primaries, issues take a back seat to negative campaigning. They issued a press release yesterday that they are going on the air (if you call KSEV radio’s miniscule listenership “on the air”):
For Immediate Release:Contact: Allen Blakemore
Monday, February 13, 2012713-526-3399Anderson Begins Radio Campaign Houston – Mike Anderson, conservative Republican candidate for Harris County District Attorney, began airing his first radio ads today. The ads are airing on KSEV Radio.
“While uncertainty still exists about the exact date of the 2012 Republican Party Primary Election,” said Mike Anderson “our campaign is fully engaged and on a path to victory.
“News reports continue to deliver bad news to the people of Harris County that the incumbent District Attorney is leading the office on a destructive course. Public trust and confidence erodes with the passing of each day.
“This lack of leadership cannot be allowed to continue,” Anderson concluded.
The radio ads are also available at
Sigh. No substance, just a bunch of sensationalist headlines pulled from attack media pieces. Oh well, we all know this stuff works because most primary voters don’t take the time to think for themselves and study the candidates. And I’m not saying that if they did, they’d vote for DA Lykos – perhaps they would but it is just as likely that they would vote for Anderson because his reputation and background is very solid. I’d bet that DA Lykos’ team will not counter this but will instead focus on the reform and positive change that she’s brought to the office, asking voters if they really want to return to the “hang ’em and ask questions later” days that Anderson seems to be pining for in this ad.
Anyways, that’s is your DA update for today. Do listen to the Kuff interview – you’ll thank me.
OK Jolly boy, take Pat a bouquet of flower — it’s Valentine’s Day for crying out loud! — but don’t subject your dear readers to your breathless and fawning soliloquy.
“Her exhuberance for justice and truth shines through.” BLAAAQ. Disgusting!
Not to mention the fact that the word is spelled exuberance!
Take your school boy crush somewhere else and get back to your roots as a blogger.
Sorry, Mamie, I’m a one girl man.
Oh, and I appreciate the editing – if you see a spelling error, please, let me know! Grammar, not so much.
I would think a local political consultant posting comments anonymously and accusing a blogger of sniffing glue would be at least clever and careful enough to not use his grandmother’s maiden name as his pseudonym.
Mamie Brockman Blakemore
Spouse: William Allen Blakemore
Forest Park Cemetery, 1891-1986
Good grief.
Allen would never do something like that just ask Joan Huffman. Hotze doesn’t have homone replacement therapy to cure that ill. Allen as a wrinkly old lady typing away, hey Ted Oberg now there is a story. Ted, remember telling me how Allen is one of your best sources of information, so I ask you the true or untrue parts?