The Greens at Brentford apartment complex supported by State Representative John Zerwas and Fort Bend County Commissioners Court is located in a declared disaster area and will have 60 units for tenants with 50{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} of less of the area median gross income.
Here is a screen shot of the application on file with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs as completed and submitted by the applicant:
Page 3 of the Development Owner Certification contains a certification where the applicant warrants to the State of Texas that the development site will be developed so that all finished ground floor elevations are at least one foot above the floodplain:
And here’s a screen shot of the self-scoring matrix as completed and submitted by the applicant acknowledging the site is located in a declared disaster area:
The Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and the Central Fort Bend Chamber Alliance were two additional key advocates for this housing development.
In their letter of support, the Central Fort Bend Chamber Alliance described the “political protection” provided by the Alliance (emphasis mine) to their members:
“The Central Fort Bend Chamber Alliance is the marketing representative/ salesman for local and area businesses and the entire community, relentlessly promoting our members’ products and services and offering them opportunities for self-promotion, while simultaneously acting as their “watchdog”—protecting their interests, in the political arena and beyond.”
What do you make of the scoring matrices pictured here?
Closing note: Next year the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., 13-1371.
Please keep spreading the word on this. The TDHCA needs to be abolished or should only be assisting with housing for low income elderly. Our schools cannot handle this and it is hurting middle class neighborhoods. Apartment developers are doing this to line their pockets with your tax dollars.
I live in the subdivision directly next to this project. We were not notified by the homeowners association until ground had already been mailed broken on this project.
This development is nothing more than a direct assault on the value of our homes which just so happen to be predominantly non-white, and an obvious assault on the financial weat=lth of people simply because we are considered to be a liability and as such are treated as if I am stupid enough to believe that a 100 year flood plain can be declared a disaster area. I am a good man who has done nothing but good for over 2 years. The former heads of this association of homeowners is nothing more than a sham. The former President and Vice-president knew about this over 14 months ago yet we were not told until after paying off our home. I promise to God if I face retaliation for stating these facts than everyone knows how corrupt this whole project is. I am mostly sad for the people who will be moving in as a group of thugs are planning to use them as the scapegoat for theft and all the criminal acts one can think of.. I am ready for facing anything as the truth will be my witness that if we were in River Oaks which is next to Buffalo Bayou were to have a situation like this happen it would be angry mobs of rich scoundrels screaming through their lawyers. . I am guilty of one thing, and that is to speak truth to corruption. Anyone who thinks that this sort of behavior is morally sound has been paid a large sum of money to cover their guilt. I am contacting the Federal Government as I am being held hostage in my own home. My wife was a FEDERAL OFFICER FOR 25 years, and these people are really thinking that I do not understand legal precedence. Well I will be heard for if everyone is afraid , then I will e the voice for people who are not bad at all. Their only crime is the color of their skin. I wish our President knew about this or at least Loretta Lynch who should be disgusted by these people who believe that God is happy about their actions. Please help us if you care and write your own feelings as if we stand together as a community they must listen. I wish I could continue but to state any exact numbers would be a one way ticket to jail. Please God help us by having someone who reads this stand up for us al
What is the approximate time for building to be finished, so people can begin applying?
I’m interested in renting one of the units.
Well mission bend is going to get rougher