Hard to believe that a school district in Texas would push a policy that allows gender neutral restrooms. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is absolutely correct: Fort Worth ISD Superintendent Kent Scribner should resign or be fired. Immediately.
I am sick and tired of people pushing these idiotic policies down our throats. Just stop.
From the In Box, former HCRP Chairman Jared Woodfill is tired of it also.
It’s Time to Stand With Fort Worth: No Men In Women’s Restrooms!
Superintendent Should ResignBy Jared Woodfill, Candidate for Republican Party of Texas Chairman
During the last legislative session, we warned our legislators that failure to pass bills like HB1478, which would have kept men out of female restrooms, locker rooms, and shower rooms was necessary. We warned them that their failure to act would result in the same battle we fought in Houston being fought in every city and county in Texas. Recently, the Superintendent of the Fort Worth, Texas, Independent School District (ISD) unilaterally issued new transgender student guidelines at the Board of Trustees’ meeting dictating serious and dangerous new policies, effective immediately. The guidelines were not voted on, debate or discussed at any Board meetings.
According to Ann Hettinger, President of CWA, Texas, “These new guidelines (many of which may actually violate Texas state law) say employees of the district will undergo adverse employment action if they do not go along with all of the new guidelines that clearly violate not only common sense, but First Amendment speech and religious liberty rights. They can no longer use the words “boy” and “girl” and must abandon gender references, information about the students gender expression on campus will be withheld from parents, no medical or mental health diagnosis is required in order to have a student claim an identity and therefore, have full rights to the opposite sex locker rooms, bathrooms, etc. Click here to read the actual guidelines.”
The Fort Worth Independent School District is trying to deceive folks into believing the guidelines are in accordance with governing law, but there is no federal or state law on this. Title IX, which was written in 1972, states that you cannot discriminate based on sex (sex meant male or female) in order to receive federal funds. School districts are not required to make any transgender policy changes by Texas or Federal law, even if it is the desire of bureaucrats from the Department of Education to make up new definitions and set up interdepartmental guidelines without having any amendments to the law passed by Congress. As evidenced by what is happening in North Carolina, the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights is bullying school districts into believing they have no choice but to make these policy changes as is currently happening in Chicago, Illinois. Click here to read more about that situation.
Action Items:
If you live in the Fort Worth area, please attend the Fort Worth ISD School Board meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. to be held in the Board of Education complex at 2903 Shotts Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107.
Email each member of the Fort Worth ISD Board and respectfully express your concerns. Even if you don’t live in the Fort Worth school district, this sets a dangerous precedent and they need to hear from all Texans.
Jacinto “Cinto” Ramos, Jr – [email protected]
Tobi Jackson – [email protected]
Christene Chadwick Moss – [email protected]
Theophlous Aron Sims, Sr. – [email protected]
Judy Needham – [email protected]
Ann Sutherland – [email protected]
Norman Robbins – [email protected]
Matthew Avila – [email protected]
Ashley Paz – [email protected]Please forward this e-alert to fellow Texans, especially those in Fort Worth. Regardless of whether you live in Fort Worth, let your voice be heard. Email your strong opposition to this policy to the above identified individuals.
It is time for us to join Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, and call for the resignation of Dr. Kent Paredes Scribner, Superintendent of the Fort Worth Independent School District. Governor Patrick is correct when he states: “After less than a year as superintendent, Dr. Scribner has lost his focus and thereby his ability to lead the Fort Worth ISD. He has placed his own personal political agenda ahead of the more than 86,000 students attending 146 schools in the district by unilaterally adopting ‘Transgender Student Guidelines.’ Without any discussion with parents, board members, principals, and other community leaders, Dr. Scribner’s unilateral action, underscores this lack of fitness to hold his position as superintendent. Campus safety should be of paramount concern for anyone in his position. Every parent, especially those of young girls, should be outraged. The State of Texas has an affirmative responsibility to provide a safe environment in the schools where attendance is compulsory. While this may be an example of the need for the Legislature to pass a meaningful School Choice Bill, we must not allow the actions of Dr. Scribner to go unnoticed or unanswered.”
I join Gov. Patrick in calling upon the parents within the Fort Worth ISD to take immediate steps to repeal this backwards policy and remove Dr. Scribner from his position.
It is time to take a stand! It is time to fight the good fight!
It’s time for a special session to resolve the issue.
I am positive there will be multiple bills filed, one will pass.
I couldn’t agree more with you.