A Fort Bend Independent School District Board Trustee was questioned by City of Meadows Place police early Saturday morning after police received two complaints of campaign sign theft.
Bruce Albright, Fort Bend ISD Trustee Position 4 was taken in for questioning and confessed to taking four campaign signs promoting Kris Allfrey in the Fort Bend ISD Trustee Position 5 school board race.
Allfrey, who is running in the Position 5 race, stated he’d received permission in mid-April from Alan Helfman to post a campaign sign on the property of Helfman’s Ford dealership.
Allfrey’s first campaign sign was stolen within 48 hours of placement at Helfman Ford. A second replacement campaign sign was stolen over the next 24 hours. Allfrey purchased a game camera, installed a third sign and mounted the camera. Criminal complaint 2014-5063758 was filed after the camera recording indicated an obstruction was placed in front of the camera lens as the third sign was stolen, preventing the identification of the sign thief.
A fourth campaign sign was placed along with a second game camera not visible from the ground. Case 2014-5063867 was filed after the fourth sign was stolen and upon downloading the pictures from the second camera, Allfrey learned Bruce Albright, sitting FBISD Position 4 Trustee, had stolen the campaign signs.
Deron Harrington, one of three candidates seeking to unseat Albright on May 10th reiterated his belief that “leaders …must meet the highest standard” and “all of their (leaders) actions must be judged against the FBISD mission statement of inspiring and equipping all students to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine”.
Video of Meadows Place police escorting Mr. Albright for questioning can be found here.
Albright could be charged with four counts of a Class B misdemeanor theft.
disgraceful .. and he sets policy for our kids…..?????????
Great reporting Yvonne!