If you like your garbage provider, you can keep your garbage provider…..not!
“Effective Feb. 1, Missouri City Council Members authorized Republic Services to be the exclusive solid waste provider for all commercial customers located within City limits (Ordinance No. O-12-47). The franchise will remain in effect until Dec. 31, 2015.”
According to the Missouri City website, the march to single-payer residential and commercial trash service followed:
“city-voter approval of a consolidated city-wide Municipal Trash Program in the May 2010 General Election” after which City Council ” passed Ordinance O-10-31 and Ordinance O-10-38 that amend rules and regulations for the collection of residential solid waste in Missouri City.”
So back in May 2010 Missouri City residents voted for government interference in an individual’s right to contract with the service provider of their choice and grant near- monopoly status to one trash collection service. Three years later the force of the ordinances is almost complete:
Republic has converted most commercial businesses to date and is working toward securing a full conversion by Dec. 31.”
Sounds like Missouri City is following the Massachusetts…err…Sugar Land model.
Government-sanctioned interference with the individual’s right to privately contract? Check!
Businesses who liked their garbage provider forced to give up their garbage provider? Check!
This all sounds vaguely similar to “ If you like your private garbage provider, no one is talking about taking that away from you…..Bwwwaaaa!“
* Hmm, I wonder what will a search of campaign finance reports will yield.
texaswoman says
Follow the money.
Mark Armstrong says
With Obamacare dominating the news, you gave me quite a scare. I thought this was going to be about single-payer healthcare. Still, it’s bad when any government works to limit our choices.
Ed Vidal says
Yvonne, Good job to keep an eye out for runaway government, even at the local level. Limited government is always the best policy, even at the local level. Heck, if anything, sometimes the tyranny of local government has a more immediate impact on us.