Lt. Dan and Senator Huffman speak in the beginning of the video and a series of votes on the resolution language begins at the 2:18.55 mark (or -21:29, depending on how your viewer works).
Dan Patrick and his political consultant Allen Blakemore were working the room when I arrived. I visited with a couple of folks trying to see if I missed anything.
Patrick definitely misread the room. I watched Lt. Dan speak with folks, making his point and moving on to the next person. Folks would nod in agreement and Patrick would move over to someone else. I knew Patrick and Huffman would not bother to stay until the resolution was heard, they didn’t. Of course, the Exec Committee would do what Dan said he did not need to stay. “I am Dan Patrick, and you know Hurricane Harvey was really bad and I am off to get an update from the Governor.” And then there was poor Senator Huffman who Lt. Dan left helplessly trying to explain all the good work of the elitist Republican establishment types. You know, the big government, pro-illegal immigration, C-Club contractor crowd – self-interest types. The folks who have completely messed everything up to date, those guys. Senator Huffman kept pointing over to her left at some of these folks. I am still convinced that Joan has noclue what her pension bill does or how it works. Her nails and hair looked good though.
The new number in cuts is now $2.54 billion in cuts from the unions, according to Senator Huffman. I am going to find the guy who can explain them to me. I am pretty sure I can’t go to Senator Huffman. Sly Turner says the number is $1.4 billion, he’s real liberal you know. Ole Sly used to tell folks it was $1.9 billion. I am pretty sure you would hear no number if their audiences contained both Republicans and Democrats.
The grassroots of the Republican Party had lost their way in the wilderness, but they found their way home last night. This was a big defeat for Dan Patrick who has lost his way too. I am tired of being upset with Dan and Joan. I just want them to find their way home or not. The grassroots of our local party is smart, and they figured out that they may not be able to afford to be friends with the police anymore. Dan and Joan don’t see this because the police pay them to hang out. It’s kind of like a neighbor who has joined a new country club and they only invite certain of their old neighbors to come hang out. Some friends are invited for their company while others are invited because they are expected to pay up and join. Of course, there are those that just can’t afford it.
Hurricane Harvey had suddenly re-prioritized the importance of good fiscal government. Government thinks they are the answer to everything, they are not. We are the can-do spirit that made Houston and Texas great. The politics of hurricanes is always interesting. The grassroots activists who are the Harris County Republican Party are fighters. A lot of folks in the room had been flooded out and had lost their homes and businesses. The last thing anyone wanted to hear about was pension bonds. Where are Kevin Shuvalov and Chris Beavers when you need them?
I would like to thank the Harris County Republican Party Executive Committee who voted against the pension obligation bonds. In case you don’t know there are 600 plus members. This was a big message and I appreciate it! Thank you! Special shout out to Rolando Garcia who spoke eloquently to defeat the proposal. Again, congratulations to the men and women of the Harris County Republican Party.
I have never been more proud of you.
Mainstream says
While the Executive Committee may have several hundred official members, only about 140 were present at the time of the vote, and they split about 80-60 based on an earlier test vote.
HFD says
140? Is that a quorum?
Don Hooper says
That question was asked. Understand, it was late. The powers that be wanted it last. A quorum was 25{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} supposedly. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Voter says
But, did Dan Patrick prevent any men from using the women’s restroom? I’m sure the restrooms at this meeting were very safe. And, yet you gave him ZERO credit. #liberal
Focus on what’s important, not finances or flooding. Sheesh. Boo!
DanMan says
Thank you Don.
Foolme says
Who needs the NFL, we got live action and while the Barnum & Bailey Circus is outa bidness…..the Harris County GOP is alive and welllllll you can judge for yourself. Now why would the Republicans want to bail out a democrap mayor? Good question Hunh? Why bail out the democrat rule, like in CHicago, Detroit, Atlanta, LA and other liberal backass bastions of the dislexus leftards that have ruled this city for the past 100 years?
I just don’t see it.