I decided to meet the man that is taking on Harris County Precinct 1 Commissioner El Franco Lee, Chuck Maricle. I figured it would be like meeting someone that is about to be run over by a locomotive at high speed but what I came away with was, this guy is a fighter and will not be run over without helping the countywide Republican effort. And who knows? If Republicans turn out and vote straight ticket so that they do not undervote, anything could happen in that race.
There was a nice, steady turnout for the Meet and Greet. You know things are going well when you run out of hot dogs:

I asked Mr. Maricle what his number one issue is with Commissioner Lee and he told me that it would be openess and transparency in the county budget. Yes, that is a good start. He also bemoans the fact that Commissioner Lee is never out in the community and doesn’t know the issues that Precinct 1 voters face.
We talked at length and what I really like is that Mr. Maricle is putting effort into all neighborhoods. As we saw in 2010 with the John Faulk campaign, that type of effort adds several percentage points to the overall Republican effort, which helps our countywide candidates tremendously. He mentioned to me that he is trying to arrange a forum in Montrose with the GLBT community to show them that Republicans are willing to reach out to all communities. I like that, a lot. Are you listening Jared?
If you are a Republican precinct chair in Precinct 1, I urge you to contact Mr. Maricle and help him out. If you do so, you will help all Republicans. You can contact him via his website or his Facebook page.
November is just around the corner, there is no time to waste.
David, appreciate your coming by the first of our cross-precinct events. With the right people involved and a whole-community outreach for this effort, that “high speed locomotive” will derail right off a cliff. People first, politics second, self interests last. Never forget who you work for and keep them in the loop.
Improving the image of the party by reaching out to all voters is an honorable goal. I don’t see a scenario in which a Republican can win this district in a presidential election year with Obama running in a district which is 50{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} or so black and in which many of the white voters are strong Democrats, but I wish him well. Sometimes even a losing candidate can force or goad the winner to answer questions of his critics, make public appearances, explain votes and contracts awarded, etc. That would be a victory of sorts.