Government contracting 101: an ugly business with some unscrupulous people. So, when you wonder why Senator Paul Bettencourt quickly endorsed Bill King for Houston Mayor, think back to a time when Paul was the “Tax Man”.
In a time not so long ago sat an informal committee of creditors comprised of the City of Houston, Harris County, HISD, the Hospital District, the Harris County Tax Assessor, and various other taxing authorities. This committee’s purpose was to identify delinquent taxpayers and discuss foreclosure proceedings against these individuals.
Now, if you know anything about Paul Bettencourt you know that this was a very simple and basic concept. If you owe property tax and have not paid it, you should be foreclosed on and the taxing entities should be made whole. The fiscally responsible adults among us realize that if someone is not paying their share, the remainder is forced to make up for it.
Over the years, the Tax Man began to recognize a theme. It only took one committee member to block a foreclosure and routinely it was the City of Houston. This routine began to equate to political corruption – for the right person, the city would block the foreclosure.
Two people recognized this scheme and sought to put an end to it: the Tax Man and Bill King. At the time, King managed Linebarger, a law firm specializing in debt collection. Linebarger held the contract to collect delinquent property taxes for most of the taxing jurisdictions in Harris County.
After identifying the city’s game, King and Bettencourt joined forces to change the law at the state legislature. The change consolidated the power to determine foreclosure and gave that power to the Tax Assessor.
Bill’s firm benefited from this business, no doubt; but, Bettencourt understood that good government is good government. The process was corrupt and extremely political. King and Bettencourt became allies in this fight against corruption.
Today, the Tax Man is one of King’s biggest advocates in this mayoral race. Now you know the reason why.
Kev says
Both of them benefited from the change, King’s contract became more lucrative and Bettencourt assumed all that power for himself. This is common for those who make their living off the government teat, they will always be able to come up with a better way of doing things so long as it benefits them personally.
david jennings says
Kev, agree 100{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}.
Don Hooper says
Understand that there were properties carried on the tax rolls for twenty plus years that pad no tax. Often times the very people who led and steered many democratic votes used the veto of the committee to defraud all Harris County taxpayers. The government has enough property off of the tax rolls and the job of Tax Assesor is to make sure everyone is paying, if not we all obviously pay more.
Manuel Barrera says
Harold Dutton – State Rep – so who is holding up foreclosure now?
Year Taxing Unit Base Tax Penalties & Interest Attorney Fees Total
2010 0001 – Houston ISD $1,240.88 $653.53 $292.85 $2,187.26
2010 0048 – Houston Community College System $59.42 $31.30 $14.02 $104.74
2010 0061 – City of Houston $424.23 $223.43 $100.12 $747.78
Total for 2010 $3,039.78
Year Taxing Unit Base Tax Penalties & Interest Attorney Fees Total
2011 0001 – Houston ISD $1,179.83 $361.81 $0.00 $1,541.64
2011 0048 – Houston Community College System $56.87 $17.44 $0.00 $74.31
2011 0061 – City of Houston $390.52 $119.76 $0.00 $510.28
Total for 2011 $2,126.23
Year Taxing Unit Base Tax Penalties & Interest Attorney Fees Total
2012 0001 – Houston ISD $1,179.83 $267.43 $0.00 $1,447.26
2012 0048 – Houston Community College System $56.85 $12.89 $0.00 $69.74
2012 0061 – City of Houston $390.52 $88.52 $0.00 $479.04
Total for 2012 $1,996.04
Year Taxing Unit Base Tax Penalties & Interest Attorney Fees Total
2013 0001 – Houston ISD $1,210.43 $177.53 $0.00 $1,387.96
2013 0048 – Houston Community College System $56.85 $8.34 $0.00 $65.19
2013 0061 – City of Houston $332.15 $48.72 $0.00 $380.87
Total for 2013 $1,834.02
Year Taxing Unit Base Tax Penalties & Interest Attorney Fees Total
2014 0001 – Houston ISD $1,240.88 $82.73 $0.00 $1,323.61
2014 0048 – Houston Community College System $76.19 $5.08 $0.00 $81.27
2014 0061 – City of Houston $399.85 $26.66 $0.00 $426.51
Total for 2014 $1,831.39
Total Amount Due: $10,827.46
Paul Kubosh says
I like Paul Bettencourt. I don’t see how this benefited Paul personally. I agree with Don. Good government.
Don Hooper says
Thanks Paul!
Kevin W. says
It was a power grab for him. Whether he used it to push more veterans out of their homes or used the power judiciously is a separate matter. I liked him until he cashed in on his expertise immediately after winning an election. He could have used his role to benefit all taxpayers by helping get the law changed but instead used loopholes and government inefficiencies to enrich himself by helping some avoid taxes.
Fat Albert says
What rubbish. A power grab that he immediately relinquished by leaving office??
He started a business to help any property owner reduce their taxes, and he didn’t collect a fee unless he actually helped. How eeeeeevil!!!!!
And, then he ran for office to help get the law changed.
If you don’t like Paul Bettencourt, say so. Your post is just ridiculous.
Kevin W. says
He could have worked to change the law while in office but instead, he left those that voted for him high & dry to reap large amounts of money for himself. How is that different from any other politician that leaves office and immediately cashes in? Belittle the comment as you like but had he stayed in office to fix the problem properly, he wouldn’t be subjected to the part where “he got his share from any he helped”. That goes back to my original comment about politicians only doing something beneficial when they can personally benefit from it.
Fat Albert says
The fact that you’re complaining that Paul Bettencourt didn’t try to change the property tax system, both while he was in office, and after he left, simply shows your lack of knowledge.
There are few people anywhere who have worked harder and more tirelessly than he has to get the system to change.
He served as Tax Assessor/Collector for 10 years. How long was he supposed to stay? When he left office he didn’t go to work as a lobbyist, or advisor, he started a small business where he could use his knowledge of the system to help his clients, mostly homeowners and other small business owners. Are you saying the after leaving office an elected official shouldn’t be allowed to work?
You can try to cast things in a pejorative way if you want, but there are few politicians (of either party) that are as taxpayer friendly as Paul Bettencourt.
Again, if you don’t like the man, say so, but griping because he started a successful business is pretty silly.
George Scott says
The difference between you and me is I sign my name. If you’d like to participate Mano y Mano in a Lincoln Douglas style debate about the sinister corruption that Paul Bettencourt did not even actually attempt to make in the Legislature involving the inherent dishonesty and loss of reasonable due process for property owners then I will accept your challenge.. Just you though since you apparently no so much. Stop hiding behind a stupid screen name. If you actually believe the nonsense you are posting here: put up or, well that wouldn’t be polite would it? George Scott
Kevin W. says
I expect he would have stayed through the term he was elected for immediately prior to leaving. And yes, he consolidated power in the office but did little to stem the manner in which he then cashed in on, something I’d expect a democrat to do, not a valued member of the GOP.
Mick says
Seems like somebody here also should mention that Paul Bettencourt’s brother is the co-campaign manager for Bill King, shouldn’t they? I mean, it’s even on King’s web site.