From the InBox:
September 7, 2022
Alexandra del Moral Mealer Issues Statement on Judge Lina Hidalgo’s Refusal of a Televised Debate
Today, Alexandra del Moral Mealer announced that she has accepted ABC 13’s (KTRK) invitation for a televised debate. Unfortunately, Judge Lina Hidalgo has refused to debate Alexandra. The invitation to debate was initially offered on August 22nd and was immediately accepted by Alexandra. Since that time, over two weeks have passed, and Lina has now declined ABC 13’s debate.
“Though I can understand why she doesn’t want to talk about her glaring failures around crime and ethics, the voters of Harris County deserve the opportunity to make an informed decision about the person they are going to trust to lead Harris County. There is no more transparent way to inform the voters than to hold a public debate. Unfortunately, my opponent would rather attack and name-call versus defend her own policies. In fact, her personal attacks are not merely limited to my candidacy, but she has also personally attacked senior leaders within her own party, from Senator Whitmire to District Attorney Ogg. It is deeply telling that the person routinely accusing everyone else of political pandering, consistently engages in such antics herself. Lina’s personal conduct is not only disrespectful, but also beneath the dignity of the office. I look forward to working hard this campaign season to return integrity and ethics to the position of Harris County Judge.”
This is of course not unexpected. Lina has nothing to gain if she were to debate Alex and much to lose. There is simply no way that Lina can defend her record on crime, spending, or flood control, which, coincidentally, are the areas that should be at the forefront of any debate.
But that doesn’t mean that Lina doesn’t have anything to run on. She can tout her support for spending taxpayer money to defend illegals in court. Or her support of Black Lives Matter riots. Or her support for spending taxpayer money on abortions. Or her support for providing $100,000 per year per child for day care. Or for putting thousands of people out of work and bankrupting hundreds of small businesses with heavy handed tactics relating to COVID-19.
Notice anything in common with those issues? Yeah, exactly none of them have to do with the office of Harris County Judge.
Hopefully Alex and the Republicans will have enough money to get the word out. Speaking of which, you can donate to her campaign by clicking here. I did.
I agree. Lina should debate Alex. However, Lina holds an ace. Abortion. I know, crime is bad in Harris County, but democracy is on the line in this election and she’s 10 points ahead. Abbott should agree to 4 townhall debates with Beto.
I’m not understanding why the words abortion and county judge are even being mentioned in the same sentence?
Nancy, the answer is quite simple. For a Democrat, the willingness (if not eagerness) to kill babies is the preeminent qualification to hold public office – any public office.
Jaja! Hey Fat, you can’t put a diaper on a zygote.
You can’t put a diaper on a 310 lb linebacker either. What’s your point?
And, more specifically, why is abortion a part of the discussion about who to elect for County Judge?
You brought it up Loren, so, please explain – why are Lina Hildago’s views on abortion relevant to this election?
In this case, democracy = total one party Democrat rule. Harris County now understands what that looks like. The election should be a referendum on how that is going so far.
Lina is 10 points a head.
That’s a sample of 195 people with a MOE of 7%
Good luck to Harris County. Y’all still letting PO Boxes qualify as residences?
The Harris County GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot on a regular basis. The percentage of diehard Republicans in Harris County has been declining for years and will continue to do so unless they change their approach to the majority of the voters in the center.
First! Politics is a sales job and to sell anything one must first understand the prospective client and focus on the “what’s in it for me” for that group. Waiting until these unsold folks transmute into Republicans might be a long wait, but that is what the Harris County GOP keeps on doing.
The folks in the middle are not impressed with the social issue positions pushed by entrenched social conservatives. Indeed, it is fair to say they are turned off in general by such approaches. There is more traction in the “Quality of Life” positions. Figure out what the vast middle feels impacts them on a daily basis, and you might just have a winner.