Well, tonight’s meeting of the Harris County Republican Party just got interesting. Local activist and HCRP precinct chair Tom Bazan is going to offer the following resolution to stop Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s blatant violation of the City of Houston Charter:
WHEREAS, government officials at every level must be honest with the citizens, especially before elections, and, they must follow through on their oaths of office;
WHEREAS, throughout history, nothing good comes from elected leaders deceiving the people;
WHEREAS, the Mayor of Houston did not disclose to the voters, before the recent election, that she was about to issue executive orders which circumvent the City of Houston Charter, specifically, dispersing taxpayer resources in direct violation of the City of Houston Charter; and,
WHEREAS, the Harris County Republican Party Executive Committee demands truth and justice at every level of government; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Harris County Republican Party Executive Committee, in respect for the rule of law, authorize the minimal funds necessary to initiate efforts to seek whatever legal remedies are available, including a suit of Mandamus, to enjoin the Mayor and her radical administration from engaging in blatant violations of the City of Houston Charter, and, be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of the adopted resolution be transmitted electronically to the Houston
City Secretary, Houston City Attorney, as well as each City of Houston elected official along with a press release.
Adopted this ninth day of December, 2013, Harris County, Texas.
Respectfully Submitted,
Thomas A. Bazan
Harris County Precinct 661, Chairman
As I noted earlier, the mayor’s disregard for the rule of law is dangerous. HCRP Chair Jared Woodfill fired off an email blast to Harris County Republicans on 11/22 that included this:
Mayor Parker has abused her office by her actions this week. It is no surprise that she did this only after her reelection because she knows she is an extremist that the voters of Houston would not support if they knew the real Annise Parker. Her entire campaign was negative and she has never had more than ten percent of the city’s support in an election.
We are Houston, not San Franscisco. We are Texas, not New York. We hold the values of marriage being a sacred institution between one man and one woman. Mayor Parker will be taken to court and defeated. The rule of law and family values in Houston will be victorious.
I’ll disagree with Jared’s interpretation of family values but he is spot on in his comments on Parker’s deceptive campaign and her violation of the rule of law. Now, the big question: will Jared support Bazan’s resolution? We’ll find out tonight.
Noah M. Horwitz says
I always find it entertaining when politicians make a point using such opaque language. “Gay” or “same-sex” does not make a single appearance in the resolution. I guess the GOP knows it’s a losing issue if they appear anti-gay in any way so they oppose the rights based on nuanced disagreements on application of the law. Reminds me of Barry Goldwater opposing the Civil Rights Act. “Who, me? I’m not a racist…”
Though I suppose the Democrats do the opaque language too, particularly with the abortion issue.
Charles Maricle says
David, your right on and i have the same position you do on this. I’d love to make the meeting tonight other than I am currently with the flu, Its not what she did as much as how she did it. We still have to follow rules and don’t need the Mayor using the same book of plays the President does.