In a major turn of events in Harris County, Dr. Steven Hotze has rescinded his endorsement of Wesley Hunt in CD-7 and has endorsed former Bellaire Mayor Cindy Siegel.
I started hearing rumors about this on Thursday. Yesterday, Dr. Hotze called and confirmed that it was true and sent me the video above.
We had a long conversation about this and basically, Dr. Hotze thinks that he was misled by people he had trusted. He told me that he didn’t interview anyone else for the endorsement. Then, after making his endorsement and sharing it with thousands of Republican primary voters via his Conservative Republicans of Harris County mailer, he started to learn things about Hunt that disturbed him.
- The fact that Hunt has never voted in a Republican primary.
- The fact that Hunt voted in the 2008 Democratic primary. Hunt now claims that he was part of Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos”, which doesn’t make sense at all since Hunt has missed Republican primaries in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. If he was a committed Republican, why miss those primaries?
- The fact that Hunt’s beliefs do not line up with Dr. Hotze’s beliefs in critical social conservative areas.
If you don’t know the backstory on this, it’s probably helpful. Karl Rove and Kevin McCarthy went to central casting to find someone that fit their description of the perfect candidate to win back CD-7. Minority? Check. Military service? Check. Can raise funds? Check. Meets age demographics Rove/McCarthey prefer? Check.
Problem is, when you go to central casting to get your candidate, you end up with an actor. Someone that can play a role but has no core convictions. Want him to play another role? Get him another script.
I admire Dr. Hotze for doing this and admitting his error. I don’t know if it is too little, too late, but perhaps it will prevent Hunt from winning outright and then voters in CD-7 can have a redo in the runoff.
Cindy Siegel is an excellent choice for Dr. Hotze. A long time leader in Harris County Republican politics, she has a strong conservative record and is known for her ability to get things done. I suppose she is a bit outside of Rove/McCarthey’s preferred age group but there is something to be said for actual experience in politics.
Good luck to the voters in CD-7. Make a wise choice when you vote. Texas needs CD-7 to be Republican again.
Click here to see revision 6 of the Combined Endorsement Matrix for Harris County Republicans.
So those are the reasons he pulled his endorsement for Wesley Hunt, hmmmm. He didn’t know all of that before he endorsed Hunt? Dr. Hotze the same man that has been in the party hierarchy for many years. The same Dr. Hotze that worked with Allen Blakemore to pick the “best qualified” Republican candidates to endorse for Judge? Hard for me to believe. The first question that came to my mind when I saw this video was: Did Wesley Hunt receive the endorsement of the Log Cabin Republicans by chance?
In the last City Election I saw Dr. Hotze and Jared Woodfill’s press release attacking Mike Kubosh for taking the endorsement of the Log Cabin Republicans and it was a real nasty press release. Mike’s opponent in the race was a candidate supported by Rodney Ellis. Her politics were, to say the least, left of Mike’s politics. The City of Houston races are Non-partisan which means there is no D or R after someone’s name. In Mike’s race Dr. Hotze didn’t care if the candidate had Democrat or Republican roots all he cared about was the Log Cabin Republican’s endorsement. Dr. Hotze even sent Mike Kubosh a text demanding that he reject the Log Cabin Republican’s endorsement. Mike refused.
So therefore I don’t believe for one instance the video Dr. Hotze posted. I know he isn’t consistent on his Democrat vs. Republican stance. The only thing I know for sure is that he can’t stand the Log Cabin Republicans.
I can’t vote in this race nor do I have a position on who is the best candidate. However, I do know that I can’t trust Dr. Hotze and I would encourage anyone that votes in that race to make up their on minds and to not listen to Dr. Hotze.
Paul, I get it, Dr. Hotze went against your brother. At least he came clean on this one. Hunt is like the least qualified person in this race. Just saying.
Rove, Hotze, Blakemore, Mammoth, paper, or plastic? Internecine political warfare in Texas & Harris County give the voters what they deserve. Thanks for the matrix.
Joe The Pct. Chair
I forgot to include The HRBC, URHC, LL, CCHC, HCCR, TCR, C-Club, POLICE INC. et al in the Paper or Plastic List. In CDs 9, 18, & 29 there are only 1-3 endorsements in the Matrix. Could it be these democrat districts have been RED LINED by the SLATES and ceded to the democrats? Just thinking out loud.
Log Cabin Republicans of Houston have made no endorsement in the CD 7 primary. Only the national organization endorses in federal contests, and only for those candidates who request the endorsement and complete a questionnaire. I have no information regarding whether any candidate even sought the endorsement of the national organization, but I would doubt it.
Well, I don’t live in CD-7 so I don’t have a pony in that particular race. But I’ve got to say that an endorsement from Dr. Hotze, or the Link Letter (is there any difference?) tends to make me vote for the other guy. Hunt may be the least qualified guy, but is Ms. Siegel the most qualified?
She’s the only one that can debate and beat Lizzie Fletcher. And…do you want to support a pro-abortion candidate? Wesley Hunt is your man!
Dear Fat, Cindy Siegel was only the Mayor of Bellaire. Tell us what Wesley Hunt brings to the table.
I have no idea what either Ms. Siegel or Mr. Hunt bring to the table. As I stated, I don’t live in CD-7 so I haven’t spent any time investigating the candidates. My remark was about the endorsement process and specifically about the endorsements of Dr. Hotze and the Link Letter, both of which I have found to be questionable in the past.
Maria Espinoza is the most qualified, Cindy was on the METRO Board that approved the BILLIONS of bonds
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz endorse Hunt. Cruz actually interviewed him for two hours before endorsing. It means even more because Cruz rarely endorses anyone. Cruz thoroughly vetted him. That’s enough for me. Oh, and he is one oof only five congressional candidates nationwide that Donald Trump has endorsed.
No. He wasn’t throughly vetted. I will be writing POTUS and Ted Cruz. Wesley Hunt has only voted once in a primary. He voted Democrat. Hmmmmmm. He is also a PRO-abortion candidate. You are welcome to ask him yourself.
Yes, I believe his response was, “I wouldn’t tell a woman what to do with her body!”
Surprised that Trump would endorse someone who didn’t vote for him. Or just didn’t vote, period. Oof. All the other candidates have had a long republican history and aren’t controlled by DC, so I’m going with one of them.
Sue, I sat with Wesley Hunt for more than 2 hours. He is an empty suit and just like David Jennings said, right out of central casting. He is scripted because he has no core values for the Republican party. Ted Cruz has shown himself to be a part of the bought and paid for SWAMP. His father, Rafael, would not be proud of his son’s endorsement for a pro choice candidate from the left. So unless you have sat with Wesley for two hours and vetted him personally, you views are vacant. At some point learn to do your own vetting. and not be a Sheeple.
Excuse me, ma’am, but no one’s views are “vacant” in this country. You may not agree with them, but they have every bit as much validity as your own.
For the record, until recently Cindy Siegel was a Metro board member and actively propagandized for Metro’s $3.5 billion bond proposition last November which includes money for Metro’s boondoggle rail program. Most conservatives are opponents of rail. One of Siegal’s opponent’s, Jim Noteware, actively fought that plan.
When I met Captain Hunt, I found him remarkably honest and gracious, mindful of the work that John “the calvary is on the way” Culberson failed to sustain toward us grassroots folks. Not 3 weeks ago, Captain Hunt called me. I swore I’d never again support, and would outright work against any candidate that would finesse to suckle the endorsement of the likes of Hotze/Woodfill in any election. Yet, he specifically called me to tell me that he had not given one singe dime to the “Link Letter” and assured me that he still was wanting my endorsement, even though I won’t be a voter of his. This from a man…a damn bold and thoughtful man that despite whatever “experiences” he’s lacked in Harris county “politics” will serve those in CD 7, with significant pride and steadfast principles to battle the growing socialistic tendencies in Congress. The pompous and self-righteous are clearly more “qualified” than I to make these decisions. Meanwhile, us dirt dwellers will grow sturdy roots. Oh, by the way, did you aggrandizing, preening old guard also realize and still condemn Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw of his lack of local “government” experience as well? Let me know if you need his number. I’m sure your disdain toward him too needs to be vocalized.
Don’t hide behind a moniker Red State Renegade. Some of us are bold enough to put our names to our beliefs. And yes, for those of us who actually took the time to vet this man and who actually live in the district he seeks to represent, I can say without hesitation that your short phone call with him did not reveal the true man behind the Captain title. He has lied on more than a few occasions and been caught in the lie. Then when confronted, makes up another lie to justify the first lie. This is not a man of honor as Dr. Hotze has found out too late. I will stay out of your back yard and not try to influence your representatives especially if I have not bothered to vet “then ALL”.
I was part of a group that interviewed Captain Hunt. I asked him if he had ever voted in a Democratic primary. He responded “NO”.
Didn’t this site recently endorse Eric Dick?
Maybe Dr. Hotze should have interviewed more than one candidate before making an endorsement.
He should have vetted the one he endorsed, this speaks more to Hotze’s lack of effort than Mr Hunt’s abilities and potential.
David, have any information on Hotze’s endorsement of Devon Anderson a couple of year’s ago? Edd Emmett’s?
I’ve known Wesley Hunt since he was 13 or 14 years old and I know some of his family- they are all really outstanding people. Wes is authentically conservative and a natural born leader- even in high school. He is one heck of a guy and the ONLY candidate who can beat Lizzie Fletcher. I don’t have a problem with Wes’s primary voting record- my own husband will NEVER vote in a primary and he’s been voting Republican for the last FORTY years, but he simply will NOT vote in the primaries.
I have found Mrs. Siegel’s attacks on Wesley offensive and I am sorry that she has chosen this route. Wesley Hunt CAN beat Lizzie Fletcher and win back TX-07; Mrs. Siegel as the candidate would insure that the GOP lose- gracefully, I suppose.
To many Stones thrown at Wesley Hunt. He flew AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters. This is very hard qualify to do. He was a Captain in the Army, again very hard to do. If you don’t like his politics that is one thing but the fact is he has accomplished more for his country to date then most of us will do in a life time. I have two children going into the service through the U. of H. R.O.T.C. and one of them have looked into the commitment it would take to fly Apache’s. The commitment is extensive.
I will not speak about the City Government of Bellaire but I would say that Ms. Siegel should have fired Bob Richter a long time ago.
NOTHING you mentioned makes him conservative or the right candidate.
Full disclosure up front, I’m helping Jim Notrware with his campaign.
Fat, Wesley and Cindy both have significant weaknesses as candidates. To have a chance to flip the district back is going to take a real fine line balancing act. You have to have enough social involvement to get the social wing of the Republicans out to vote, but not so much as to turn off th Sarah Davis crossover voters.
Wesley is going to have trouble with the social voters. Both Texas Right to Life and the Texas Homeschool Coalition declined to endorse him. If the social wing of the party isn’t enthused then it’s going to be difficult to get enough Lizzy voters to flip to make up the difference. Being the Trump/Rove candidate is double edged in CD-7 and not going to be enough come November.
Cindy didn’t get the Homeschool Coalition endorsement either, but realistically will not have trouble getting support from the social conservatives. However, as Barry pointed out she has the metro expansion history which is a liability with the fiscal conservatives. Those voters are going to be what makes the district in play if the social conservative voters come out and vote. How many Sarah Davis swing voters are going to vote for a candidate who has a track record like Cindy has? That’s the seat flipping question.
Of the two, Cindy has a better chance against Lizzie.
Since I’m helping Jim I’m not going to say anything about him since it won’t be viewed as impartial.
Have been impressed with Mr. Noteware in what I have seen from him and from reading about him.
I appreciate your feelings for military service, but consider that Hegar, also was a helo pilot, and she’d parlay that experience into sending jack boots to your house to take your guns if she could, along with the rest of the socialist agenda. She’d fight just as hard as she did in the military, but this time, against the American people. Higher taxes, more regulation…..more impeachment. That said, it’s the Trump endorsement that seals the deal for me. I trust him to know who is best situated to win. Trump thinks that’s Wesley, that’s good enough for me.
I have not looked at that race. My main comments were the Hotze endorsement. I do agree with you about the comments on Hegar and the military career is just a factor I use among many others when I pick a candidate.
Erick Dick would have been a great City Coucilman.
Please explain his actions re:Harris County Dept. of Education then.
I can’t. I don’t even pay attention to the Harris County Dept. of Education. I just like Erick Dick. Being a City Councilman is like being a Congressman in my opinion. The Mayor controls everything and all you do as a Councilman is bark and try to get City services provided to your constituents. I think Erick would have done a fine job barking and helping citizens. I don’t want to get to far off topic on this post.
Re ED: Pretty sure his voting with the dems on the board to increase the already outsized salary of the superintendent was covered on this site and that’s the only reason I knew about it as well.
If Hotze is critical to the direction of the Harris County Republican Party the recent record shows very poorly on his work. Obviously our humble host thinks very highly of him. I will note our host’s politics typically run to the left of mine.
I had hoped a candidate of Mr. Hunt’s (apparent to me) attitude would bring a coalition of conservative voters to his cause. I see the crabs in the Harris County bucket taking over as usual. I believe CD-7 became poorly served by John Culberson because he never saw a spending initiative to vote against as his tenure blossomed. Who ever wins it will hopefully be an improvement over that and Ms. Fletcher’s record.
btw – I appreciated your brother’s work at city council and recall my conversations with both of you as enlightening
Never said it did. If Dr. Hotze wouldn’t have head lined this article I would have never posted. When he sided with Rodney Ellis, Harris County Democrat Party and the LGBTQ to oppose Mike Knox, Greg Travis, Mike Kubosh he lost me.
Calling Wesley Hunt an empty suit says more negatively about the person that calls him that then him. As someone else mentioned Captain Hunt has done more for this country than most of us will ever do in a lifetime. He is brilliant, a man of integrity, and pro life.
I don’t know much about Hunt, but he did get the endorsement of Trump, and Trump seems to have a knack for picking winners. Look, I’m sure he didn’t want Mitt Romney in the Senate, but knew Mittens would win, so he backed the winner. Remember Alabama? Remember what happened there? Trump knew Judge Roy couldn’t stand up to the same kind of full frontal assault he got, and he was right; Bannon, for all Bannon’s great policy views, was wrong. If Trump thinks Hunt is the best person to get Lyin’ Lizzie out, then that’s just the way it is.
And in order to win that district, it will require the votes of virtue signalling suburban white women, who apparently have gone full leftist. I’m assuming black guy beats white woman? It’s a shame it has come to this, but if the district’s voters vote using the oppression points metric, then we have to play on the field as it is, not as we wish it was, a field of meritocracy.
If Hunt will vote with Trump most of the time, or even half the time, that’s a lot better than what CD 07 has now. It’s strange….a district chock full of oil and gas workers, and full of people who depend on the money spent by those oil and gas folks, voted for someone who is openly hostile to oil and gas. Why would people vote against their own self interest?
I don’t know Mr. Hunt personally, but did attend a Meet and Greet for him at Cadillac Bar early on and have attended several of the CD7 forums. I am a CD7 resident and have tried to do as much research as possible on the candidates and can offer these observations.
Yes- we owe Mr. Hunt and all veterans a debt of gratitude for defending our country. I have not done so and am thankful for veterans who defend America, what we stand for and our rights and freedoms. That said- their veteran status does not necessarily make each veteran a good candidate to hold public office. It could be brought into the equation for sure but balanced alongside other facts such as ideology and experience that give voters a clearer picture of which candidate represents the views of the voter. After all, the chosen candidate will be OUR voice in Washington. I tend to vote for the person who by their ACTIONS most closely aligns with my views. At the first Meet and Greet I attended hosted by Mr. Hunt, I was impressed by his speaking skills and story of his family’s military service. He is an excellent speaker and I initially thought him to be a formidable opponent for Fletcher.
I did change my mind and here is why:
1) The story I heard at the first meet and greet continued to be the only story he was telling. All of his ads, messaging, etc. have focused on this and not much else especially the issues (at least for more than the first half of his campaign).
2) His lack of attendance at candidate forums. Mr. Hunt was neglectful of the right to the voters to hear where he stood on the issues when he was absent for I believe 4 candidate forums. The first forum that I attended where he actually showed up was at Tony’s. During this forum, he laughed and made fun of Laique Rehman, an action I don’t find very impressive. When ALL the candidates were asked the last time they voted in a primary, he mumbled under his breath “2008, the Democrat primary.” After this, he was quoted in the article as expressing that he felt the question was planted. If he had bothered to show up for the previous forums, he would know that this is a standard question.
3) Mr. Hunt, via his email communications and elsewhere, noted that his military service prevented him from voting in subsequent elections. Based on his public LinkedIn page, 2008 was when he WAS in the military and he did take the opportunity to vote. He just didn’t take the opportunity to vote once he returned to the states. I know other vets who believe in our right to vote and make the time to vote. He also cites “Operation Chaos,” as the reason for his Dem vote. For the reasons also noted in this article (lack of subsequent voting), I don’t find this reason to ring true at all and even saw a graph on the Harris County GOP site where candidates profiles are given. In relation to the other candidates his this race, his Republican credentials are almost non-existent.
4) His record of party and/or community involvement is quite shallow. He touts involvement such as sitting on the boards of the Greater Houston Pachyderm and Harris County Center for Mental Health but only joined the former in late 2018 (it might have actually been 2019) and the latter in January of 2019. This is not very indicative of someone involved in either the party or the community.
5) Mr. Hunt’s position in HR at Perry Homes makes me uncomfortable with several things- most noticeably their desire for leniency in immigration and also the amount of $ they spend politically to try to ensure that their bottom line doesn’t decrease because of stricter immigration standards. Perry Homes and its stance and lobbying on the issue of immigration is a well-documented one. The amount they are pouring into Wesley Hunt’s campaign most likely comes with strings attached, and I think many of us can guess what those strings are. Many of Hunt’s larger donors and proponents have strong ties to the construction and housing industry- an Industry that benefits from a soft stance on immigration.
6) The trail of Mr. Hunt’s donations and endorsements raise red flags. I am seeing quite a bit of “dark money,” a large proportion of donations coming from outside the district in relation to other candidates in this race, and a trail of donations given by Perry Homes principals to not only Hunt, the party at a national and local level, the PAC’s, and those who endorsements Mr. Hunt has received (Hurd, Cotton, Cruz, etc.). Hurd, who I believe to be a RINO also has donated a large amount to Hunt as have the developers such as Hillwood Development and Johnson Development Company who have new developments planned for which Perry Homes is one of the main builders. Be sure to also look at the $ given to Hunt by Kathy Britton’s husband George, who owns Enterprise Commercial Paving. Anyone may view the data on the FEC site. A link to specific donations made is below. This doesn’t even touch the tip of the iceberg when you start looking into $ given to PACs that are then channeled to other PAC’s.
FEC Link:
In summary, while I did indeed find Hunt’s words to be impressive, I don’t make my choices based on words. I prefer to know the whole picture of a candidate and I find that he lacks not only experience but also honesty in how he has addressed some of his prior choices. We have several excellent candidates in this race, most notably Cindy Siegel. Ms. Siegel has proven through her actions that she is dedicated to the conservative cause, dedicated to the district and also has experience. My vote will be for her. I found this article to be one of the most truthful I have read about Mr. Hunt’s candidacy.
I don’t know Mr. Hunt personally, but did attend a Meet and Greet for him at Cadillac Bar early on and have attended several of the CD7 forums. I am a CD7 resident and have tried to do as much research as possible on the candidates and can offer these observations.
Yes- we owe Mr. Hunt and all veterans a debt of gratitude for defending our country. I have not done so and am thankful for veterans who defend America, what we stand for and our rights and freedoms. That said- their veteran status does not necessarily make each veteran a good candidate to hold public office. It could be brought into the equation for sure but balanced alongside other facts such as ideology and experience that give voters a clearer picture of which candidate represents the views of the voter. After all, the chosen candidate will be OUR voice in Washington. I tend to vote for the person who by their ACTIONS most closely aligns with my views.
At the first Meet and Greet I attended hosted by Mr. Hunt, I was impressed by his speaking skills and story of his family’s military service. He is an excellent speaker and I initially thought him to be a formidable opponent for Fletcher.
I did change my mind and here is why:
1) The story I heard at the first meet and greet continued to be the only story he was telling. All of his ads, messaging, etc. have focused on this and not much else especially the issues (at least for more than the first half of his campaign).
2) His lack of attendance at candidate forums. Mr. Hunt was neglectful of the right to the voters to hear where he stood on the issues when he was absent for I believe 4 candidate forums. The first forum that I attended where he actually showed up was at Tony’s. During this forum, he laughed and made fun of Laique Rehman, an action I don’t find very impressive. When ALL the candidates were asked the last time they voted in a primary, he mumbled under his breath “2008, the Democrat primary.” After this, he was quoted in the article as expressing that he felt the question was planted. If he had bothered to show up for the previous forums, he would know that this is a standard question.
3) Mr. Hunt, via his email communications and elsewhere, noted that his military service prevented him from voting in subsequent elections. Based on his public LinkedIn page, 2008 was when he WAS in the military and he did take the opportunity to vote. He just didn’t take the opportunity to vote once he returned to the states. I know other vets who believe in our right to vote and make the time to vote. He also cites “Operation Chaos,” as the reason for his Dem vote. For the reasons also noted in this article (lack of subsequent voting), I don’t find this reason to ring true at all and even saw a graph on the Harris County GOP site where candidates profiles are given. In relation to the other candidates his this race, his Republican credentials are almost non-existent.
4) His record of party and/or community involvement is quite shallow. He touts involvement such as sitting on the boards of the Greater Houston Pachyderm and Harris County Center for Mental Health but only joined the former in late 2018 (it might have actually been 2019) and the latter in January of 2019. This is not very indicative of someone involved in either the party or the community.
5) Mr. Hunt’s position in HR at Perry Homes makes me uncomfortable with several things- most noticeably their desire for leniency in immigration and also the amount of $ they spend politically to try to ensure that their bottom line doesn’t decrease because of stricter immigration standards. Perry Homes and its stance and lobbying on the issue of immigration is a well-documented one. The amount they are pouring into Wesley Hunt’s campaign most likely comes with strings attached, and I think many of us can guess what those strings are. Many of Hunt’s larger donors and proponents have strong ties to the construction and housing industry- an Industry that benefits from a soft stance on immigration.
6) The trail of Mr. Hunt’s donations and endorsements raise red flags. I am seeing quite a bit of “dark money,” a large proportion of donations coming from outside the district in relation to other candidates in this race, and a trail of donations given by Perry Homes principals to not only Hunt, the party at a national and local level, the PAC’s, and those who endorsements Mr. Hunt has received (Hurd, Cotton, Cruz, etc.). Hurd, who I believe to be a RINO also has donated a large amount to Hunt as have the developers such as Hillwood Development and Johnson Development Company who have new developments planned for which Perry Homes is one of the main builders. Be sure to also look at the $ given to Hunt by Kathy Britton’s husband George, who owns Enterprise Commercial Paving. Anyone may view the data on the FEC site. A link to specific donations made is below. This doesn’t even touch the tip of the iceberg when you start looking into $ given to PACs that are then channeled to other PAC’s.
FEC Link:
In summary, while I did indeed find Hunt’s words to be impressive, I don’t make my choices based on words. I prefer to know the whole picture of a candidate and I find that he lacks not only experience but also honesty in how he has addressed some of his prior choices. We have several excellent candidates in this race, most notably Cindy Siegel. Ms. Siegel has proven through her actions that she is dedicated to the conservative cause, dedicated to the district and also has experience. My vote will be for her.
I also neglected to mention another reason that I find the Hunt campaign to be disingenuous. I mentioned previously in this thread Mr. Hunt’s lack of attendance at the district forums but did not remember to mention the presence of his campaign manager at the forums. While Mr. Hunt did not attend, his campaign manager did attend and on numerous occasions, blatantly recorded the responses given by the other candidates. I felt at the time and still do that this is akin to cheating on a test and is no way honorable. If Mr. Hunt was not prepared on that first forum to describe his position to the voters he seeks to represents, and needs to steal positions from fellow candidates in a District forum, then he is not ready and not deserving to speak for us on a broader scale.
Looks like some long winded spam from Kristy Coffey/Leigh…is there any relation to 401?
Sorry- tried to post and kept getting timed out- that is the reason for the duplicates. I couldn’t go back and delete and in no way am trying to spam. My apologies on that front
Major endorsement? Really! What does that make President Trump, Senators Crus, and Cotton, and Ted Poe? Minor endorsements? We need someone with fighting instincts to take on Pelosi, Schiff and the democrats. We had a numbers-man in Speaker Paul Ryan and you see where that got us.
This raises some questions for sure
How well did that Hotze endorsement work for Notewhere
Hotze is a hack cut from the same cloth as Blakemore. Wake up Republicans, you don’t need these nit-wits, half-wits, & dimwits in order to win at the polls.
Apparently Republican voters have decided that Dr. Hotze’s endorsement (or lack of same) is irrelevant.
Um, you might want to check the whole record Fat. Dr. Hotze had a very good evening.
Again, Hotze is a hack.
David, are you tired yet from carrying Hotze’s water?
Hey dude, there is a little box at the top of the page called a Search box. How about you type in Hotze, read what I’ve written through the years and then tell me that I’m carrying his water. Cool?
David is not carrying anyone’s water in my opinion. Independent thought well reasoned and consistent. I enjoy the read.