President Trump has said a number of very stupid things since he took office, but a report in the Atlantic magazine that claims he refused to visit an American cemetery in France because he considered the dead soldiers “losers” is unimaginable.
The Atlantic piled on other accusations. Among a slew of accusations, it claimed that Trump said he did not understand why Americans volunteered to serve in WW2 because they were not going to get rich through fighting. And according to the magazine, Trump described those who fought in Vietnam as “losers” because they did not find a way to dodge the draft. He also allegedly referred to the 1,800 Marines who died in the WW1 Battle of Belleau Wood in France as “suckers'”.
Only an imbecile would make such absurd remarks and I do not believe that Trump is all that stupid as to make them.
Trump did have the audacity to call war hero John McCain a loser because he was taken captive by the North Vietnamese. That was a really stupid thing to say, especially since Trump was a draft dodger. But to call soldiers killed in action losers is beyond the pale.
Saying something like that about our fallen heroes as alleged by the Atlantic is far more absurd than Trump comparing cops who shoot unarmed men to golfers who “choke” and “miss a 3-foot putt.” That’s why I cannot imagine Trump ever saying anything so utterly callous.
If President Truman had not ordered the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I could easily have been killed during the invasion of Japan. Several of my high school friends lost their lives fighting during WW2, two of them on the sands of Iwo Jima.
If Trump actually called my fallen friends and the other 400,000 soldiers, sailors and marines losers because they lost their lives fighting for our country during WW2, he can no longer serve as the Commander in Chief and he should resign from office forthwith!
Trump attacked former White House chief of staff Gen. John Kelly as being the source for the Atlantic story and he demanded that Fox News correspondent Jennifer Griffin be fired for reporting that her sources had told her it was entirely true.
Attacking Kelley and Griffin was a hug mistake. It just keeps the story going. Trump should have simply said, “That Atlantic story is a complete lie and Jennifer Griffin is a damn liar. I regard al soldiers as heroes,” and let it go at that.
Later Trump tweeted: “You work so hard for the military, from completely rebuilding a depleted mess that was left by OBiden, to fixing a broken V.A. and fighting for large scale military pay raises, and then a slimeball reporter, maybe working with disgruntled people, makes up such a horrible charge,”
That tweet was spot on and much better than attacking Kelley and Griffin.
The Atlantic report appears to be an unsubstantiated attack deliberately made on the eve of the election that is just one more example of the media’s obsession with destroying the Trump presidency.
DanMan says
Oh yeaeth. Howie back with his usual skitzoid crap.
Happy Labor Day weekend all. Except Howie.
Fat Albert says
First, at this point I have no doubt that President Trump’s enemies will literally say anything to try to damage his reputation and image. Any they will be aided and abetted by a willing media. It’s no accident that “The Atlantic”, the source for this particular rubbish is owned by The Emerson Collective (a “Social Change Organization”) and David Bradley, who has donated millions to Joe Biden’s campaign.
Second, one of the saddest things about all of the rot being spread about the President is that “conservatives” often pick up on the lies and continue to repeat them. For instance, President Trump has never said or suggested that people drink Toilet Bowl cleaner as a treatment for Covid-19. Nothing that he has said even comes close. It was wholly made up – completely fabricated – bu a media that has willingly taken sides and is no longer even attempting to appear even-handed. And yet we see conservatives continue to repeat such things as fact. Why?
Finally, one of the things that conservatives generally have that puts us far ahead of the typical liberal is a sense of good cheer and a willingness to address facts without resorting to chilling name calling and infantile insults. That’s generally the tactics of liberal losers who don’t have actual factual arguments at their disposal. Not that I’m referring to anyone specifically. . . . . .
Howie Katz says
Fat, thank you for your outstanding comment. I stand corrected on that toilet cleaner shit and regret having mentioned it. I’ve edited it out of this post and replaced it with a statement that I fact checked.
DanMan says
Bill Daniels says
Hey, lookie here….the left has initiated another wrap up smear, and the usual suspects are giving it a mention.
In case we forgot what a wrap up smear is, here’s Nancy Pelosi, in a rare moment of honesty, explaining it to us:
So, to review:
~make up a story with ‘unnamed sources’
~get complicit leftist media to run the ‘story’
~get on TV and express shock and outrage about media story that you created out of thin air
I’m disappointed, but not surprised, that this non story, Dem. campaign bullshit, has found editorial space here at BJP. Do better.
Bob Walsh says
The clown who wrote the Atlantic piece is a well-known Obama butt boy. He has also said that some of his “facts” have to be “inferred” from the statements his anonymous sources made. When you add all this up with the fact that this article seems to have been synced with commercials that appeared almost immediately after the article hit the racks the whole thing stinks. Clearly I wasn’t there, but this has all the trappings of a classic “big lie.” I will not believe it until until I see SOLID proof it is true. Solid proof is NOT a bunch of unnamed sources.
Pat Bryan says
Lots of denial here.
No facts to support denial.
There has been a ton of derogatory books written lately by people who were close confidants of the President, alongside the article in The Atlantic. Every single piece has been thoroughly fact checked by the President’s supporters. They have been unable to find any substantial errors.
They always come up with the same denial whinings that Howie and the bunch whine above.
If it is “impossible that he could have said that”, then PROVE IT.
Others have proved otherwise.
Bill Daniels says
Conversely, no facts that support this wrap up smear is true. “Unnamed sources?” Um, OK, I have several unnamed sources that tell me that you are a big poopy head. Unimpeachable sources. The best sources, believe me. So now I’ve put it in print, that you are a big poopy head. Now others can run with that story I have just printed.
Based on the logic you are using, if you deny being a big poopy head, that’s just more proof that you are indeed a big poopy head. Unrelated, how long has it been since you stopped beating your wife?
Back to the smear, it was refuted in Kayleigh’s press beating. She put up e-mails between different officials that called the visit off due to WX (weather). Then she mentioned Bolton’s denial. Bolton is obviously not a fan of Trump. Don’t you think if anything like this actually happened that Bolton would have featured the story prominantly in his book? His book references this specific time period, and yet, nothing.
So, ON the record sources who identify themselves say one thing, ‘anonymous’ sources that may or may not actually exist say something else, and they just happened to say it to a known Trump hater and leftist mouthpiece. Yeah, OK, seems on the up and up to me. Alrighty then.
This isn’t going to move the needle for anyone. If you don’t like Trump, you’re gonna run around parroting this bullshit. If you like Trump, you know it’s bullshit and move on.
Fat Albert says
Pat’s a poopy head? Wow! Well that’s news. In fact it’s such high news that I just posted it on Facebook: Pat Bryan is a big poopy head. It’s also fixing to drop on Instagram, and I’ve sent an e-mail to Channel 13 that I have proof that Pat Bryan is a poopy head.
Pat, show us the last 10 years of your tax returns to prove that you aren’t a poopy head. Otherwise it’s an admission that you are.
Fat Albert says
Hey, I didn’t notice that Pat beats his wife too! That’s another Facebook post (and another call to Ch. 13!)
I’m wondering at this point, if Pat is a wife beating poopy head, maybe he likes buying candy for little kids too.
Fat Albert says
Hmmmph. Looks like poor little Pat Bryan is staying true to form. He comes in drops his little incendiary comment and then runs away. Typical.