Although I didn’t vote for Donald Trump and was a #neverTrumper before there was a hashtag, I understand that the election of Donald Trump is a movement – let’s call it the Trump Revolution. President Trump’s victory was the direct result of Americans from all backgrounds and political persuasions, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who were fed up with corrupt politicians undermining our government and failing to support our allies.
President Trump’s appointment of Jeff Sessions sends a strong message to the people – this administration puts the American people first. President Trump has even threatened to send the Justice Department into Chicago to curb the outrageous violence that has infected the broken, liberal city. While that threat was ill advised and empty, the sentiment behind it strikes a chord with those that live in inner city ghettos and are desperately seeking a solution. And those of us in Texas, especially those of us that live in urban areas, know that while Chicago may be at the forefront of the violence nationally, we have our own problems. We need a new U.S. Attorney for the Southern District that will take our concerns seriously.
United States Attorneys serve as the chief law enforcement officer in their districts. Texas has four U.S. Attorneys as the state is divided into four districts: Northern District, Eastern District, Western District, and Southern District. The Southern District of Texas begins in Houston and extends along the border to Laredo, covering 44,000 square miles, 8.3 million people, and 43 counties.
In 1789, Congress enacted the Judiciary Act of 1789 directing the President to appoint in each federal district “a meet person learned in the law to act as an attorney for the United States.” United States Attorneys evaluate cases brought by federal law enforcement agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Secret Service, and Homeland Security. U.S. Attorneys are vital to ferreting out public corruption and enforcing voting rights laws and policies.
The Southern District of Texas needs an experienced, hard-nosed, conservative prosecutor willing to aggressively prosecute all types of crime, not just white collar. The type of crime shouldn’t matter: financial hijinks, border crimes, organized drug cartels, extremists seeking to carry out acts of terrorism, extremists harvesting human body parts, human trafficking or corruption by public officials should all be prosecuted zealously and without regard to political pressure. Texans need to insist that Sen.’s Cornyn and Cruz recommend an aggressive, experienced conservative prosecutor to President Trump.

Over the last eight years, the Southern District of Texas has turned a blind eye to public corruption cases in Harris County. Maybe the Southern District needs Wayne Dolcefino since he seems to be responsible for exposing more public corruption in the Southern District of Texas than any US Attorney over the last eight years. Public corruption cases are important because they send a message to crooked politicians and contractors seeking to line their pockets with taxpayer funds that they will go to jail for such illegal behavior. All one has to do is look at the activities surrounding HISD, HCC, the City of Houston, Harris County, and state contracting to know there is a serious problem, a very serious problem.
Houston has been a hotbed of public corruption for many years. Following the September 11 attacks, many attorneys within the Justice Department were transferred from the public corruption unit to combat terrorism. Shortly thereafter, public corruption flourished and continues to do so today. Now, with Donald J. Trump at the helm of the sovereign, the U.S. Attorney may return to the vaulted position it was meant to be. Imagine the advances in safety and trust we could make if conservatives were appointed to U.S. Attorney positions in our largest urban cities.
I went for Trump as soon as Cruz dropped out. Those ended up being the only two of the entire I bunch that endorsed actual immigration law enforcement. When the field was initially lined up I thought they were all great save Kasich but they were all so tone deaf on illegals it was easy to see why they faded in public opinion.
Who is the current attorney for the southern district?
Kenneth Magidson
Do you really think a “Conservative” would do anything different? We do have a “Conservative” as Attorney General, and we had a “Conservative” DA like forever before Kim Ogg.
I agree with the corruption and Harris County. Maybe a not “Conservative” to go after Republicans, and a “Conservative” to go after the Democrats?
It’s a little late, the billions upon billions has been squandered, and not a shred of evidence was looked at.