Hard to believe that Ted Poe suddenly supports a boondoggle rail line down Richmond:
Rep. Ted Poe, R-Humble, whose district shifted earlier this year to include portions of the area where the planned University Line would run along Richmond Avenue, said door-to-door canvassing by his staffers as well as phone and online responses demonstrate his constituents support the line.
In remarks Tuesday on the House floor, Poe said 604 respondents to a Facebook solicitation supported the rail line, compared to 340 opposed to it.
“We’re not saying it is scientific, but it does help let me know what people are thinking,” Poe said. “I believe the area I represent wants light rail.”
Are you kidding me? Poe supporting a billions in wasted spending because of a freaking Facebook poll? Holy exposure, Batman, there’s a rip in your leotards!
But even funnier is that those are not Poe’s constituents that voted in that poll! From Neal Meyer on Facebook:
Sheila Jackson Lee is urging her followers to hijack Congressman Poe’s Facebook survey to get Poe to cave in and approve federal funding for light rail on Richmond Avenue.
The link below has “the Queen’s” message to her supporters, and includes a link to Congressman’s Poe’s Facebook survey, which I posted in this forum last night.
If this project gets approved, it is highly likely that quite a large chunk of the tax dollars that get spent on the project are going to go towards contracts that employ labor unions – like the local electrician’s union, the pipe fitters, steel workers, and so on. During the 2003 Metro election, those unions contributed a big chunk of money towards the campaign to get these rail lines signed off on and the entire local Democratic Party was all for this. Those unions, in turn, are likely going to circulate some of those tax dollars from those contracts right back into the campaign war chests of the Democratic Party and / or Democrat candidates or office holders.
If you want to stop that from happening, find Congressman Poe’s survey and post “Option A” to prevent federal monies for rail on Richmond Avenue.
( http://
hosted.verticalresponse.com/ 1201205/18ab81abcb/546085199/ e17b9da043/ )
You know you’ve lost your mind when the CongressWOMAAN gets you to go up against John Culberson.
Good grief.
I’d say he looks the fool, and better do some cleaning house when it comes to his aids.
I don't waste my time on FB and if this is Ted's nod to the 'wired up', 'always connected' idiocracy he has forfeit any claim to represent my end of the district. A bad idea is a bad idea no matter how many fools and inside dealing weasels want it to happen.
I have other bones to pick with Ted; continuing resolutions, NSA, Fast n Furious, IRS…….
It appears that there is always an automatic case against something from the past not popular with conservatives or even more pronounced opposition from reactionaries. What are his Poe's sated reasons for supporting the proposed new spur other than the so called poll? Have the dynamics changed….traffic is getting worse all over town. Even Katy Freeway is almost at gridlock again. I am out of town and I will not give up on Poe's reasoning until I see the overall situation.
I am adamantly against the line to run along Richmond as it will cause gridlock, and I generally think the light rail has been a boon doggle. At the same time it exists and if there new legitment information that requires taking a look and all should do so. Whether or not you believe in light rail or not, the issue of transportation is becoming more acute. A better first move would be to impound cars with out insurance.
It appears that there is always an automatic case against something from the past not popular with conservatives or even more pronounced opposition from reactionaries. What are his Poe’s sated reasons for supporting the proposed new spur other than the so called poll? Have the dynamics changed….traffic is getting worse all over town. Even Katy Freeway is almost at gridlock again. I am out of town and I will not give up on Poe’s reasoning until I see the overall situation.
I am adamantly against the line to run along Richmond as it will cause gridlock, and I generally think the light rail has been a boon doggle. At the same time it exists and if there new legitment information that requires taking a look and all should do so. Whether or not you believe in light rail or not, the issue of transportation is becoming more acute. A better first move would be to impound cars with out insurance.