It seems like the topic that never ends. I really haven’t thought much about it since the Supreme Court ruling came down requiring Congress to rework Section 4, other than hearing Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott say that it was going to go into effect immediately.
But then I saw this “op-ed” featured on the San Antonio Express News:
Vote ruling likely will haunt Greg Abbott
But the political fallout of the Texas law requiring photo IDs could prove to be more of a liability than an asset to his party and his own bid to be elected governor.
Greg Abbott is going to laugh all the way to the Governor’s chair on that one. Good grief, where do they find these “experts”? Let’s take a look at the facts, as given to us by that those bastions of conservatism the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune through their Texas polling (click on the graph for a larger view):
Links to each of the reports included in that graph: June 2008, March 2009, June 2009, February 2011, October 2012.
That’s right, Texans ACROSS PARTY LINES support Voter ID overwhelmingly.
There isn’t a lot of information available on the “expert” in that piece, Robert Brischetto, but I did find this on his Facebook Page:
So he’s a Battleground TX supporter. Go figure.
Listen to Attorney General Abbott explain the effects of the ruling:
Three critical points in that interview:
- Minority participation increased, not decreased when Voter ID laws were enacted in other states.
- The Supreme Court has already ruled that inconveniences in obtaining ID is not discriminatory.
- Texas law provides for free ID for those that ask.
As I said on Khambrel Marshall’s Newsmakers yesterday morning, Voter ID will be implemented and it will be very popular with voters. The idea that this will “haunt” Abbott during his run for Governor is ridiculous.
BTW, you can catch AG Abbott in Houston next Monday as he starts his gubernatorial campaign. Click here and register for a free ticket to his event at Goode’s Armadillo Palace on Kirby in near downtown Houston.
Marilyn Jo Harper says
If voter ID is good for Kenya, it is good for Texas! And about time, too.
Robert Pratt says
Very good point about "those experts" often quoted by newspapers, etc.