Only one major group in Harris County, the United Republicans of Harris County, puts out an endorsement list that is not tainted with candidate money. Their board attempts to contact all candidates, sends out questionnaires, invites candidates in for interviews, makes their endorsements, and then pays for their endorsement to be mailed to voters. No candidate money is taken for this process.
Their board consists of a knowledgable cross- section of party activists and I personally pay more attention to their picks than any other slate. Not that I agree with all of their picks but if I’m having trouble picking a candidate in a particular race, I’ll usually defer to their judgement.
Click here to see their endorsements on the United Republicans of Harris County website. Or click here to see them on Karen Townsend’s Pondering Penguin.
I’ve also updated the 2014 Harris County Republican Party Primary Endorsement Matrix that is linked on the title bar above. It is starting to fill in now and most groups have issued their endorsements. If you know of a group that has endorsements that you think should be on the matrix or if you see an error in the matrix, let me know via the Contact Us page.