at the same time!

If all you’ve read about Sen. Cruz in the past seven weeks since he has taken office is traditional media outlets, you probably didn’t know that. Because he’s brash and transparent, traditional media folks are having a field day pointing out what they think are his transgressions. The key to understanding how wrong they are is remembering that what “they think” and what “reality is” are two different things entirely.
“They think” that Sen. Cruz is a loose cannon, ignoring his party and acting like a mad man. “Reality is” that Sen. Cruz is doing exactly what he promised he would do if the people in the Republican primary elected him – be a message conservative on a national level. If you followed the primary closely, there was never a doubt about what he would do when he took office. I suppose the fact that he is actually doing what he said he would bothers a few people but make no mistake, he is doing exactly what he said he would do and what the people that voted for him in the primary wanted him to do.
The primary voters that elected Sen. Cruz put Texas interests on the back burner so that they could have someone speak for them. Someone that would push their version of the conservative agenda forward without hesitation. Obviously, they got that in Sen. Cruz.
But in his first seven weeks, he is proving to be more than just a national messenger for constitutional conservatism. In fact, his questioning of former Sen. Chuck Hagel, while certainly garnering disdain from national media, Democrats, and a few Republicans, has been the most substantive to date. While Sen. McCain is mad because Hagel didn’t support the Iraq war, Sen. Cruz has forcefully tried to get answers to the lack of financial disclosures from Hagel. Why doesn’t the media focus on that? Okay, that was rhetorical but you understand the point.
Sen. Cruz was at Lodge Lumber in Northeast Houston this afternoon to promote small businesses and economic expansion as the best way to get people working again. And, by the way, it is also the best way to achieve President Obama’s chief goal of more tax revenue for the government. Sen. Cruz pointed out that if the economy grows at 4{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} for a decade, we’ll have 10 million new jobs, $3 Trillion in new tax revenue, which is more than any plan to increase taxes put forth by the president to date, and 3 million people will rise out of poverty.
He also talked about the unthinkable, saying that he was trying to reach across the aisle to work together with Democrats to achieve that kind of growth. You know, bipartisanship? Remember, we hear every day that Republicans are not willing to work together but Sen. Cruz is saying that he is ready and willing to do just that. Will the Democrats attempt to do the same? Doubtful, but at least Sen. Cruz is trying.
In answering a question about the looming sequestration cuts, Sen. Cruz stated that the sequester is too blunt an instrument because it disproportionately cuts the military. He stated that Republicans have offered alternatives that balance the cuts better but that Democrats are more interested in political gain than achieving a more balanced approach. Personally, I just want the cuts to happen and think that the cuts to the military are not “draconian” at all. The sequester is the quickest way to get meaningful cuts to future growth, so let it happen.
I did record the press conference and have broken it down into several segments.
First, Sen. Cruz’s speech:
[audio:]Next, Pedro Rojas from Univision 45 asks the senator to comment on sequestration and immigration:
[audio:]Then Paul Weber of AP wanted to know if Sen. Cruz has heard from other Republicans, privately, about his first seven weeks. Obviously, this question was asked to elicit a response about the negative press coverage:
[audio:]Ted Oberg, of ABC13 in Houston, followed up Weber’s question with several harder hitting ones. I found this exchange fascinating because these two are among the smartest people I’ve ever met. Oberg always has an agenda, in this case looking for a soundbite of remorse, but Cruz wasn’t biting and held him off:
[audio:]Just remember folks, don’t let the press shape your perspective. Listen to the original content when possible and if that isn’t possible, try to read more than one article about the same event.
And don’t let anyone tell you that Ted Cruz isn’t doing exactly what he promised he would do. You may disagree with him or his style, but I’ve yet to find a primary voter of his that is unhappy. And that is what counts.
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