Heh, sometimes, you just gotta shake your head. No, really. I mean, Mike, I was KIDDING, okay! When I said that Gary Polland had snatched the hypocrisy crown from you, I didn’t mean it as a challenge to get it back! C’mon, dude, take a joke already. You win! There’s no way (at least I don’t think there is a way) that you can top your current mailer for sheer, unadulterated hypocrisy!
Why, asks the unsuspecting public? Well, forget everything else and think about this guy for a minute:
That would be Steven Hotze, who has a PAC called Conservative Republicans of Harris County. You can view their campaign finance reports here if you want. On 2/29/12, Friends of Mike Anderson gave this PAC $15,000 but I’m sure that was not for this mailer, that was most like for “other stuff” – endorsements, advertising, whatever, I’m not sure. This mailer cost far more than $15k to put in my mailbox. But what does a mailer have to do with hypocrisy. Well, remember that fella’s mugshot above, okay? Now, take a look at the mailer – what is the subject?
Hotze Anderson DWI Mailer with Extras
Mmm, hmm, you got it. The good doctor is sending out a keg full of mailers telling us that Mike is the guy to fight DWI. Interesting, no? Yes, very. Especially since Mr. Hotze’s case went “poof” and disappeared without a trace. Well, except for a few news stories at the time, which had the mug shot. Such as this one from the Houston Press on 12/7/2000, which contains a very, very interesting detail:
Considering that Hotze was an early, ardent backer of District Attorney-elect Chuck Rosenthal, and Blakemore was the candidate’s consultant, the case should provide a good test of the impartiality of justice under the new order.
A good test of the impartiality of justice under the good ol’ boy, Chuck Rosenthal. Now that right there is funny no matter who you are! Let’s see, how did that justice work out?
Drunken driving charges against Republican political activist Steven Hotze have been dismissed….
Hotze refused to take a breath test to measure his blood-alcohol level….
most of the case against Hotze is based on testimony from Adams, the arresting officer
Turns out that the arresting officer was under indictment along with a wrecker driver for some paperwork and the state, under the guiding hand of Chuck Rosenthal, decided not to pursue charges because Hotze’s lawyer would attack the officer.
So who better to tell us that Mike is the go to guy for DWI prosecution, right?
Well, wrong. How about we go and ask a fella named Hugh Graham Foreman III, okay? You probably recognize the name because Mike Anderson says that he idolized Percy Foreman as a youngster. Turns out that the grand-nephew of Mr. Foreman has a problem that no one seems to want to address. Instead, they keep coddling this now 31 year old along. Connections? You tell me, I’m just showing you the record.
Obviously, this young man has excellent counsel given the “punishment” list – one of his attorney’s was Paul Nugent and his current attorney is Mike Degeurin. These guys used to work together at Foreman, Degeurin, and Nugent, now it is just Foreman, Degeurin, and Degeurin. If you look at the domain name, you will see that it still says ForemanDegeurinNugent.com. The Foreman in both cases being the aforementioned Percy Foreman. Nothing wrong with having connected attorneys. And I don’t care about the attorneys, just putting them in for context.
The key is that case above, #1196351 that was dismissed and refiled as case # 1242980.
This is where former Judge Mike Anderson comes in.
Now, to get the full context of hypocrisy from Mike Anderson, you have to remember the mailer above (and who sent it) and his campaign rhetoric scoffing at “Patsy” for not throwing the book at DWI offenders like he would and how that could affect someone down the road. Mike Anderson, would, if elected, throw the book at DWI offenders because he is tough, by golly big jolly. He is tough!
Oh yeah? Take a look at this order from Judge Mike Anderson:
See that? Book? Hardly. What JUDGE MIKE ANDERSON did to this multiple DWI offender was to reduce the charges against him from a Felony to a Misdemeanor, sentence him to a year in the Harris County Jail, and the SUSPEND THE SENTENCE, LETTING THIS MULTIPLE DWI OFFENDER WALK OUT OF JAIL. He then violated his probation but because of Judge Anderson’s reduction of the charges, the only thing Judge Denise Bradley could do last week is sentence him to jail with credit for time served, 161 days, and now this man is free again.
Hypocrisy? Thy name is Mike Anderson. I crown the king:
Folks, there is no such thing as the “good old days” at the HCDAO. There is only the “good ol’ boys days” and lord help us all if the voters of Harris County can’t see through this bull crap.
Justice for the connected few, the rest of us imbeciles need not apply.
I’m voting for Pat Lykos and I urge you to do the same. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors – their lives may well depend on it.