First off, welcome Gateway Pundit readers, The Blaze readers, Sean Hannity listeners, and, at last count, 1,047 other blogs that linked to Yvonne’s piece on the wuss John Coby. Thanks a million for stopping by.
While I have your attention, I want to remind you that there is no fiscal cliff. It is a manufactured term to try and scare conservatives into doing the wrong thing, increasing tax rates. It doesn’t matter if they are increased on a person making ten thousand a year or ten million – if Republicans vote to increase tax rates on anyone, we lose.
Yes, we’ve heard the news – Obama won the election and he gets to raise taxes. Bull. True enough that we are stuck with Obama for another four years but there were also 435 elections in the House of Representatives – and we won those easily. The House is the voice of the people and we need to remember that.
We also need to remember that spending is the problem with the federal budget, not revenue. If our reps allow tax rates to rise even a fraction, then we are saying that the left is correct and revenues are the problem. We need to encourage our reps to face reality and cut spending across the board.
Cutting spending across the board, including the military, is the only sane option for the future of the country. Republicans need to recognize this and refuse to go along to get along with the President.
We have the power we need and all we have to do is use it. Pass a bill that makes the so-called Bush tax cuts permanent. Then, let “sequestration” happen – the two are not linked. The cuts in the “sequestration” bill are real cuts, not imaginary cuts in the 9th or 10th year as proposed by the spend-happy Obama administration. If the Senate refuses to go along with the tax rate extensions, so be it. We move the battle to that arena and use publicity to let the public know that the higher tax rates they are paying belong to the Democrats and Obama. The opportunity to get real spending cuts cannot be passed by.
Let sequestration happen. Please.