That is the message in a new radio ad by those opposed to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (actually UNequal).
And here is the email from Dr. Steve Hotze:
Campaign for Houston
Dear Fellow Compatriots,
Greetings! Please click on this hyperlink to listen to this radio spot entitled No Men in Women’s Bathrooms which is airing on Houston radio stations.
Let me encourage you to email this radio spot out to your distribution lists today. Let’s make it go viral! We will be blasting out this radio spot both on the radio and through social media. You can help us ensure that this spot has a huge impact by emailing it to your friends.
Our goal is to protect the children and families by resoundingly rejecting the Pro-homosexual/Bathroom Ordinance and by electing a majority of pro-family Christian candidates who support traditional marriage and family values and who want to protect our children. This will defeat the prohomosexual political movement’s attempt to force individuals, churches, schools and businesses to accept, affirm and celebrate the homosexual lifestyle. Our win here in Houston will send shock waves across Texas and the nation, and encourage like-minded Christians in other communities to take a stand to oppose the homosexual political movement.
Mayor Parker’s Pro-homosexual/Bathroom Ordinance is also known as the Sexual Predator Protection Ordinance. This ordinance would allow perverted men to use female public restrooms, shower facilities and locker rooms, placing our wives, sisters, daughters and granddaughters in harm’s way. Isn’t this just preposterous!
There must be No Men in Women’s Bathrooms, Showers or Locker Rooms!
It seems absurd to grant anyone minority status based upon their chosen sexual activities, don’t you agree? This ordinance would force businesses to adopt hiring quotas, diversity training, and new bathroom policies. Businesses, churches and schools would face a host of lawsuits in an attempt to legally coerce them to adopt the Mayor Parker’s agenda. There must be ‘No more special privileges for special interests!’ What about the rest of us?
You can volunteer to help us and donate to our campaign by going to
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing!
Thanking you for your willingness to protect women in Houston, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Campaign for Houston PAC
PO Box 7519
Houston, Texas 77234
The fight is on. Where do you stand?