If you didn’t make it to the second annual Lincoln Day Dinner held by the Log Cabin Republicans of Houston, you missed out on good food, lots of fun, and great company! What a refreshing evening being around a group dedicated to improving government without the type of negativity I see at most Republican events I attend. I tell people all the time that they need to balance their political work and never forget to celebrate the victories they’ve had . And the LCRH has had plenty of victories to celebrate!
Starting with their early support and tireless work to elect Rep. Sarah Davis (R-134). During her keynote speech, Rep. Davis acknowledged the hard work of the group as one of the keys to her success. Rep. Davis singled out Chapter VP Christopher Busby, noting that he was one of the first volunteers in her first run in 2010, and also his help in keeping Equality Texas neutral in her re-election race in 2012. After watching the activities of the LCRH on behalf of Rep. Davis over the two election cycles, I can personally vouch for their hard work.
Rep. Davis also gave a brief update on her activities in Austin early in the 83rd session. She talked about the committees that Speaker Straus assigned her to, which, in my humble opinion, are awesome. Very few second term reps have been given the responsibility that she has been given by the Speaker: Appropriations, Calendars, and Public Health. FYI, those first two? The most powerful committees in the Texas House. In her role on the Appropriations committee, she is on the Article II Subcommittee, with oversight of the Texas Department of State Health Services. Like I said, heady stuff for a second year rep. Kudos to Rep. Davis for earning the trust and respect of Speaker Straus and her peers.
This was the first time my wife has had the opportunity to meet Rep. Davis. Remember, my wife is an “expert” in health care (as well as the smartest person I know). On the ride home, she told me that she was impressed with Rep. Davis’ knowledge of healthcare issues and, most importantly, her ability to convey her knowledge in simple terms so that people not involved in the field could understand her. Very high praise indeed. Trust me on that. 😉
Prior to Rep. Davis’ keynote speech, chapter President Michael Baker presented a few awards and talked about the club’s growth. They have formed an alliance of Texas Log Cabin Republican groups with the Dallas and Austin chapters and will soon hold a conference. The best thing about Mr. Baker’s speech was his statement that they are there to expand the Republican Party and will work to persuade any group, be they GLBT, Hispanic, Black, or Caucasian – they just want to promote smaller government and maximum freedom for all.
Congressman Ted Poe sponsored the event. He couldn’t make the event but sent Heather Cook from his staff to represent him. Also present was Houston City Council member Jack Christie, several Harris County Republican Party precinct chairs, and the always charming Felicia Cravens of the Houston Tea Party Society. And that fabulous Top Hat cake was provided by Renee Williams of CRUMBdiddlyumptious – I was REALLY hoping to win the raffle because it was a gift certificate to that bakery!
Overall, an excellent evening. I wish I could provide you more details, but honestly, I didn’t take notes because I was there to enjoy the evening. Didn’t even take my camera out – all photos are courtesy of the Treasurer of the Log Cabin Republicans of Houston, Antoine B. Taylor, for which I am most appreciative!
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