I guess I should have attended the latest HCRP Executive Committee meeting because they did something good! How about that? They adopted a resolution against indefinite detention of U.S. citizens.
Whereas, The US Senate has adopted, S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012;
Whereas, The NDAA includes a dangerous assault on liberty…Section 1031, which declares the world as a “battleground” against terrorism, including the USA, and gives law enforcement and the military powers to arrest US citizens and hold them without charge or trial in indefinite detention anywhere in the world;
Whereas, This outrageous proposal would strip Americans of their rights to a speedy trial, habeas corpus and legal due process, be it
RESOLVED, That The Harris County Republican Party opposes Section 1031 of NDAA for 2012 and urges that it be REMOVED (by the House or in conference committee, or the Senate if it has to vote on an amended version) before submitted to President Obama for his signature.
Submitted by Peggy Lindow, Precinct 001
HCRP Executive Committee/ 12-05-11
Here is the document used to pass the resolution:
HCRP says no to indefinite detention
I’d almost bet that they should have deleted that Infowars.com reference. Just sayin’.