Texas State Rep. Roberto Alonzo re-filed regular session bill HB 3206 on June 12th, 2013 as HB 64. Like HB 3206, the bill relates to the creation of a Texas resident drivers permit for people without authorization to be in the United States. Section 521.231 (2) and (3) read:
The department may issue a Texas residents drivers permit to a person who…is unable to present to the department documentation issued by the United Sates agency responsible for the citizenship and immigration authorizing the person to be in the United States and has not been finally convicted of a Class B misdemeanor, and Class A misdemeanor or any felony offense.
Section 521.233 further states:
… the application information must be verified by the presentation of a current passport or consular document issued to the applicant by the country of which the applicant is a citizen.
Will HB 64 make its way into the Transportation Funding Bill?
*The boss wrote about this back in May and I agree with David that legalizing illegal driving is not the way to go.
**Odd, isn’t it that this time around there’s nary a peep out of State Senator Tommy Williams on HB 64. Williams worked “closely” with Alonzo on HB 3206.