The Texas Democrat Party official who threatened to kill NRA President David Keene and all NRA members is an “interested party” supporting the passage of SB 346. The bill you are considering signing into law is based upon public comments submitted in writing to the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission by John Cobarruvias! To make matters worse, another “interested party”, the River Oaks Area Democrat women (ROADwomen), the ones who hold holiday parties at Planned Parenthood, also submitted public comments to the TSAC.
In December 16, 2012 Big Jolly Politics published Houston blogger & Democrat Precinct Chair John Cobarruvias’ Tweet advocating for the murder of NRA members:
Governor Perry! You are an NRA member, too!
Rhymes With Right posted a follow up piece further explaining Cobarruvias is not only an elected member of the Texas Democratic Party Executive Committee, John has a history of violating federal law & threatening acts of violence against his political enemies at the State Capitol.
Remember what happened in California when businesses and people in support of Prop 8 were targeted for harrassment? How about the IRS witch-hunts targeting Conservatives? Where will it end?
ROADwomen and Planned Parenthood have been exempted from the bills’ requirements:
(c) A person or group of persons accepts political contributions if its members or donors make a payment, including dues, to the person or group of persons and, at the time of making the payments, the members or donors have reason to know that their payments may be used to make political contributions or political expenditures or may be commingled with other funds used to make political contributions or political expenditures.
It’s bad enough we had Republican Senators who sided with Democrat Senators & voted in favor of SB 346.
Please veto the bill!