Brilliant move by Jared Woodfill:
Time to Take a Stand and
Move the 2016 Republican Party of Texas Convention from Dallas
By Jared WoodfillOn Tuesday the Dallas City Council approved an aggressive and dangerous bathroom ordinance that allows men into women’s bathrooms. The bathroom language comes just one week after Houstonians overwhelmingly rejected a similar ordinance, Houston Proposition 1-Bathroom Ordinance. It is outrageous that one week after Houston voters rejected the idea that it is ok for a man to enter a woman’s bathroom, the Dallas City Council would pass the same provision.
It should be noted that without public input, the Dallas City Council approved the controversial language in a late night closed-door meeting. The new language clearly allows biological males who identify as females, including registered sex offenders, to have access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms. Like the Houston Bathroom Ordinance, the new version of the Dallas ordinance is a threat to safety and freedom and allows the government to fine private small business owners for taking principled stands. It is time for us to take a stand!
The brazen move pushed by the radical LGBT political movement comes just one week after Houston voters decisively said “no” to a radical, expansive bathroom ordinance and power grab that threatened the safety and liberty of Houston residents. The Houston Bathroom Ordinance was voted down in a historic vote, 61{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} – 39{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986}.
Throughout the Houston campaign, the opposition argued that rejection of the Bathroom Ordinance would result in, among other things, conventions leaving Houston. We as a Republican Party now have an opportunity to send a message to the Mayor of Dallas and its City Council who are willing to sacrifice the safety of our wives, daughters and mothers on the altar of political correctness. We as a Republican Party have an opportunity to send a loud and clear message to the radical left by moving our 2016 Republican Party of Texas Convention from Dallas to another city. We should not reward Dallas with our business when its leaders brazenly reject the principles embodied in our 2014 Republican Party of Texas Platform. The Dallas Mayor and City Council sent us a clear message on Tuesday – they do not respect our values. It is now time for us to send a clear message and move the 2016 Convention from Dallas to another city.
I am asking you to call on the Republican Party of Texas to move the 2016 Republican State Convention from its planned location in Dallas to another city.
Please encourage the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) to protest the Dallas City Council measure by moving the Republican Party State Convention scheduled to be held in Dallas from May 12-14. We must put our principles and the safety of Republican women ahead of convenience. Dallas’ elected representatives on City Council have shown obvious contempt for the values that we as Texas Republicans and conservatives hold most dear and we must show them that there is a price for their contempt. I suggest that the convention be moved to a city where our Republican women are in no danger of government-sanctioned invasion of their most private spaces by the opposite sex, some of whom could be sexual predators.
Houston would be an excellent choice for the RPT State Convention considering the voters’ 61-39 vote on November 3rd rejecting men in women’s bathrooms. It would also counter the opposition’s argument that the Bathroom Ordinances defeat will hurt the Houston economy. Please join me in encouraging the Republican Party of Texas to move the 2016 RPT Convention from Dallas.
Contact Information for the Republican Party of Texas: Contact Information for the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) members: republican-executive- committee/ Please let your voice be heard on this issue.
Message From Jared Woodfill
To inform on conservative issues and activism in Houston, Harris County and Texas
Pd pol ad by The Elect Jared Woodfill Campaign – Larry Hicks Treasurer
Absolutely freaking brilliant. Turn the losers’ argument against them. Houston Mayor Annise Parker thinks there will be economic sanctions against Houston because we crushed her dumbass, unnecessary, divisive law? Well, let’s reverse that formula and see what happens when when yet another city’s leadership wants to force something on the citizens. Brilliant.
It’s also a brilliant move in Woodfill’s campaign to be the leader of the Texas GOP. The current interim dude, Tom Mechler, has not been impressive to put it mildly. He’s so out of touch he claimed in an email that Harris County GOP Chair Paul Simpson “led the fight against HERO”. I don’t know what universe Mechler is living in but sitting on the sidelines and not lifting a finger to help is hardly the mark of leadership.
The Harris County GOP is having its last Executive Committee meeting of the year this coming Monday, November 16th. A resolution supporting Woodfill’s call to move the convention will be introduced. We need to pass it unanimously.
I’ll also point you to an Op-Ed by Woodfill and Dr. Steve Hotze in the Houston Chronicle, Defeating HERO: We were defending our culture and protecting women’s well-being. As far as I’m concerned, it is a bit too conciliatory and doesn’t take the proponents of the ordinance to task for their many lies and overall nasty conduct. I hope they don’t think this is over because the proponents are already talking about reintroducing it at the last city council meeting of the year on December 15th, AFTER the runoff election on December 12th.
Don’t forget to hashtag your thoughts on this with #boycottdallas! 😉