Will attacks on Republicans by Republicans ever cease? Well, not as long as I’m around but how about we say it this way: will UNWARRANTED attacks on Republicans ever cease? Gosh, I hope so. Today’s installment features, once again, Redstate’s editor Erick Erickson. Look, I’m an unpaid conservative that tries to get things right – you’d think that a “star” that gets paid for this stuff (a lot, BTW) would take the time to think about what he is saying. Alas, he doesn’t. Once again. Sigh.
So here’s the deal. I’m an actual voter in Texas. Erickson is a guy that lives in Georgia and likes to inflame conservatives. Does he make more money than me? Yes, 100{997ab4c1e65fa660c64e6dfea23d436a73c89d6254ad3ae72f887cf583448986} more because I don’t get paid. Does he have more readers than me? Absolutely, because the only readers I claim are my wife and one of my two daughters. Does he pay taxes in Texas? No. Does he get to vote in Texas? No. Does he care about Texas more than me? No. You decide who to listen to.
So when I see my friend Kelly Horsley post something like this on Facebook, I get interested enough to figure out the truth:
· Well, well, well. Cornyn has made some improvement under the leadership of Senator Cruz, but looks like he’s up to his old tricks again. You be the judge.
Okay, I’m the judge Kelly, and the truth is that Sen. Cornyn isn’t “led” by Sen. Ted Cruz and didn’t “flip”. In fact, Sen. Cornyn gained quite a lot with this specific CR:
- The Continuing Resolution denies President Obama the nearly $1 billion dollars in additional funding he requested for implementing the health insurance exchanges;
- It lowers spending levels, something that has not been done in years; and
- Keeps the sequester cuts in place
As Mr. Erickson notes, during debate Senator Cruz offered an amendment to the CR that would have prohibited funds from being used to implement Obamacare. As we all know, Sen. Cornyn was a co-sponsor of this amendment. Unfortunately, the amendment failed on a 45-52 vote with all Democrats voting against the amendment.
Sen. Cornyn objects wholeheartedly to Obamacare and to say anything otherwise is absolutely false. I don’t know why Erickson would claim anything otherwise and won’t speculate on it.
But these are the plain facts. Sen. Cornyn sent out a press release about this very subject – I guess Erickson decided to ignore it in his effort to gain readership/money.
United States Senator – Texas
For Immediate ReleaseCONTACT: Megan Mitchell, (202) 224-0704
Drew Brandewie, (202) 224-0703
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Cornyn Statement on Continuing Resolution
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) issued the following statement after voting for the Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government at the reduced levels mandated by the sequester:
“This bill represents the first modest step toward reigning in wasteful, Washington spending. Though imperfect, this bill lowers spending levels, keeps the sequester savings in place, and ensures our military and border patrol have the funding and flexibility they need. And, it will avoid more ‘crisis governing’ that undermines public confidence.“A more significant, permanent solution would be for the Senate to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, which I’ve sponsored and all Senate Republicans support.”
Senator Cornyn serves on the Finance and Judiciary Committees. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.
I live in Texas, I pay taxes in Texas, I vote in Texas, and I couldn’t care less what some guy in Georgia thinks about my Senator. What I know is that Sen. Cornyn knows what he is doing and what he is doing is fighting for the people of Texas. And frankly, that is all I care about.