You do remember the Douglas Karpen case, right?
Since the Harris County District Attorney’s Office has done nothing with the case, almost four months after it went public, six months after being notified about it, it is time to move on. It is time to appoint a Special Prosecutor to the case and let the chips fall where they may. If the guy is innocent, then we should know that. And if not, well, he needs to be locked up.
Former Judge Belinda Hill has been in charge of the office since the complaint was lodged. Why has she done nothing on this case?
The Houston Chronicle editorial board has said that she is a shoo-in to take Mike Anderson’s place. I wouldn’t be so sure of that but understand why the liberal e-board of the Chronicle would support a pro-abortion person. But when was the last time Gov. Rick Perry appointed a pro-abortion candidate to any position anywhere, much less District Attorney – the very place that is charged with stopping abortion abusers? Why would he start now?
Let’s hope he doesn’t. And let’s hope that a Special Prosecutor is named to investigate Mr. Karpen.